Page 15 of Lustre Blanketed

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“Well, the good news is we still have power. The bad news is we don’t seem to have any cell service. I talked to Drew earlier on the SAT phone and he said we’re in for a few more bands of snow later today, but the morning should be clear.” I relay the information, crossing my fingers that the cell service stays down for a good long while.

Sloane takes the last sip of her coffee and then crawls across the bed, balancing the cup. Her lithe body moves sensually, and all I want to do is climb up behind her and pound into her. Her long red hair is a bit crazy—she’s sexy all mussed—and I wonder what she would look like with a freshly fucked glow. My cock thickens in my sweats and I want her to see it, to see what she does to me. This magnetism between us is like nothing I have ever felt before.

She places the cup on the bedside table; grabbing her phone, only to find it completely dead. She lets out a little huff of frustration, and I snatch her drained mug and turn away to hide my smile.

“What’s wrong?” I ask nonchalantly as I rinse it in the sink.

“Nothing really, without reception I guess I don’t need my phone anyway,” she drops it back on the table with a thunk and softly wanders around the room. Glancing around, I locate her looking out the window.

Her eyes are shining with excitement, her pink lips open in awe and she gives a startled little cry.

“Oh, it’s perfect out there! It’s an absolute winter wonderland! Does it get any better than this?” she asks, bouncing around in her excitement. Winnie, seeing this, jumps up and begins barking, creating a cacophony of sound and mayhem. And my heart soars at the sight of my dog being so animated. Leaning back against the counter, I cross my arms over my chest and just watch as they have fun.

“Should we go outside, pretty girl?” Sloane coos at Winnie, who replies by running over and trying to tug her leash from the wall where it’s hanging. Sloane lets out a tinkling laugh, and the sound is so light and joyful that it’s music to my ears. An idea forms in my mind.

“Actually, I really need to work on some of our search and rescue training today,” I say, and her expression falls. “Would you be up for helping?”

Her beaming smile is absolutely breathtaking, and she nods her head vigorously. Maybe she’s exactly the answer to my problems with Winnie.But she’s Slater-fucking-Sully’s sister—you better watch your back.The dark thought flies through my mind and I remind myself that I’m only being nice to fuck with him…

Yeah, it’s all fine. None of these strange feelings are real.

“Search,” I tell Winnie, reaching down so that she can sniff Sloane’s scarf. The stupid thing is green with knitted pictures of snowmen and Santa all over it. Why a grown-ass woman has something like this is beyond me. She’s all in with the Christmas shit and it’s ridiculous, but also kind of endearing. But I still hate the holidays. Yup. Hate them.

Winnie gives it a good sniff, and I fold it before placing it back into the big pocket of my coat. She spins around three times, then sticks her nose in the glittering white snow. My heart sinks;we were doing so well.This has been the best scent practice we have ever had. After reviewing all the procedures under the guise of ‘teaching’ Sloane, I realized there were some steps I’d been skipping. Going back to basics has been really good for Winnie—our issues were probably my fault all along, if I’m being honest.

She gives a great big sneeze, and my mouth opens to call her back when she suddenly bounds off, heading toward the trees.


Her massive paws make easy work of the thick layers of snow, moving through them with minimal effort while my feet sink in; weighing me down as I plod along behind her.

“Winnie, come,” I call, thinking she is off doing whatever she damn well pleases—freaking dog—when she suddenly begins barking. No…alerting.

A loud whoop screams from my lungs and I pump my fist in the air. Adrenaline surges through my body and it reminds me of what winning feels like; skiing down the slope to the roar of the crowd and knowing you just crushed it. The closer I get, the more my elation and excitement soar, fueled by the sight of Sloane and Winnie’s jubilant celebration. They are prancing around and Sloane keeps telling Winnie what a good girl she is, giving her treats, just like we discussed. The sight steals my breath.

Sloane’s cheeks are glowing pink, her auburn hair is once again in its tuggable braid and the sparkle in her eyes brings joy to even my frozen heart. Something squeezes in my chest, and I reach up to rub at the spot just above my heart.

Hearing me walking up, Sloane whips her head around, and when she catches sight of me, a mischievous grin lights up her face.

“She did it!” Sloane exclaims, clearly as delighted as I am at Winnie’s progress. She walks easily over the snow, gliding like an angel, and I’m so busy looking at her curves that her hand behind her back doesn’t register.

Her evil laugh hits my ear, just as something cold and wet smacks me in the face.Oh, hell no.Reaching up, I wipe the remnants of the snowball off my face, just in time to see Sloane and my traitorous dog take off toward the cabin.

Bending down, I scoop up some of the fluffy snow and begin packing it into as many balls as I can carry before following the indents of their path.

This is war.

Chapter Ten


Thesnowcrunchesundermy boots as I run for the cabin. Exhilaration has my heart pounding and I feel like a kid again. Winnie keeps up with me, barking gleefully as we race through the snow… or race as fast as we can, since the glistening white powder is only slightly lower than my knees and it takes a bit of effort to run through.

Any second now he’s going to catch up to us and, based on his shocked expression, I have a feeling it’s going to mean a face full of snow for me. I do not know what came over me. He just looked too serious during our practice and it brought out my fun-loving side; the side of myself I haven’t ever had time to indulge in. Too busy being shuffled from shoot to shoot for play. Not to mention my mother’s constant concerns about me getting injured and damaging my looks.

The cabin, covered in a glittering layer of white, comes into view and I can see the light from the fireplace shining in the window. It looks warm and cozy as I home in on it.

Winnie gives a delighted huff as she jumps around, tongue lolling out in a happy puppy grin. She has a dusting of white along her muzzle as she keeps up with me effortlessly. My legs are screaming with the effort, my lungs burning from sucking in the icy air, and here she is just frolicking along.
