Page 21 of Lustre Blanketed

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Sweatdripsdownmyback as we slowly ski toward Lustre Lake. Cross-country skiing is a totally different animal from downhill, and my legs burn in the most pleasant way as I follow Winnie and Sloane along the narrow path. My black and brown pup suddenly seems to have endless amounts of energy as she bounds around, darting off the trail before reappearing right next to me, and I can’t help but feel excited about her antics.

Giving her head a pat, I hope we are moving forward and mending our relationship, the one I broke with my careless attitude.What was I thinking?I shake my head, trying to forgive myself instead of dwelling on past mistakes.

Mistakes like sending that fucking message to Slater.Fuck. I’ll have to deal with that at some point—but not today, I realize, as I take in my surroundings.

Trees, completely covered in glistening snow, line the forest, and it’s like we are alone in the world. The woods are silent except for the wind whispering gently and the occasional sounds of branches groaning under the weight of the icicles encrusted on them. It’s serene, perfect and I breathe in a lungful of the cold air, appreciating the fresh scent as my gaze strays back to Sloane.

Even in ski pants, her ass looks fucking bite-able, and my cock comes to life in appreciation.Later.I promise myself. It seems like the storm has pretty much ended, so we have another day or two at most before I need to leave the cabin and head back to real life. Luckily, the roads are still completely impassible, so I get to stay in my little fucknest with my Fireball for a bit longer.

“Oh Cole,” Sloane cries, as we crest the hill that overlooks Lustre Lake, and as she turns back toward me, the radiant smile on her face just completely blows me away. The way she enjoys everything with such a zest for life has a twin smile forming on my own face. Her cheeks and nose are rosy from the cold, her silver eyes sparkling with mirth, and I feel my heart pound in my chest. “It’s the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen.”

No, you are, Fireball.

Sliding my skis faster, I quickly meet up with her on the rise, crashing my lips down against hers, the flavor of her cherry chapstick making me grin and lick at her mouth. She laughs, and the sound soars through the otherwise silent woods, raising my spirits with it.

Hand in hand, we look down at the glory of Lustre Lake in the winter. Snow covers the beach and icicles hang, glimmering from nearby trees. Snowcapped mountains rise in the distance; the image is completely breathtaking, and little chunks of ice float slowly across the surface of the cerulean lake. The magic in this place is a living, breathing entity as snowflakes swirl about in happy little flurries, each unique and flawless.

“Race you down,” Sloane cries, jumping forward to get a head start. That little cheater.

Not one to be outdone, I hunch forward, catching up to her with ease, and quickly overtaking her before we reach the bottom. She follows me moments later, laughing at our antics as Winnie bounds down the hill, a clear bronze medal for her.

“I’m the winner,” I crow. “What’s my prize?”

“What do you want?” she asks, narrowing her eyebrows and pouting; but I know it’s all for show. “If I had won, you would be chopping down one of these absolutely perfect Christmas trees and bringing it back to the cabin for me.”

“That sounds miserable. Good thing I won because I have the perfect prize in mind. You,” I growl, pinning her up against a tree and kissing the hell out of her until she’s panting, her breathing uneven and face flushed. Yanking off a glove, I skim my icy fingers under her coat, groaning when I touch her warm skin beneath. Her perfect belly recoils at the chill, before pressing into my hand and I take that as approval to continue my way up toward the enticing handful of her breasts.

Sloane lets out a lusty moan as my fingertips brush against their sensitive underside and curse the material of her bra for getting in my way as I softly trace along the cups; until I force my way beneath the material to squeeze her supple breast. She throws her head back, hair flying in all directions when I make contact with her nipple, rolling it between my fingertips before giving them a pinch. The silent forest swallows her cry, but I long to hear it over and over again.

Suddenly, Winnie barks, but it isn’t her usual playful sound. Instead, she calls rapidly and I know something just isn’t right.She’s alerting.

“What’s going on?” Sloane asks; hesitance and concern twisting her features.

“I’m not sure,” I reply honestly, scanning the area to figure out what the big dog is trying to tell us. The forest is quiet, hushed almost, and the hair on the back of my neck stands up.

“Is someone else out here?” Sloane wonders, skiing over toward the trees. The shadows cross over her face, sending a shiver of nerves down my spine as she disappears into the deep, darkening woods. My girl is too far away from me. What if there is someone or something lurking in the dense woods? Could I get to her in time?

My heart pounds in my ears, and a sheen of sweat–that has nothing to do with exertion—coats my body; chilling me to the bone.

Yelling for Winnie, I hustle over to the spot where Sloane vanished, and luckily, for once, my stubborn dog listens immediately as if she can sense my worry. With Winnie glued to my side, I enter the dense pine trees, following the clear tracks Sloane left through the otherwise pristine snow.

“That brat has earned herself another spanking when we get back,” I tell Winnie, who just snorts and presses harder into me.

A feminine shriek echoes through the trees and nausea churns in my gut…

Chapter Fourteen


WhileWinnie’sbarkingseemsto make Cole nervous, it makes me more curious. We’re out in the middle of the freaking woods after a giant snowstorm—it’s highly unlikely that there’s an ax murderer out here with a thirst for human blood.

No. No way- what would the odds be of something like that?

Plus, Winnie is a search and rescue dog—what if there is someone out there who needs our help? We can’t just leave them out here by themselves.

Sliding my skis along the fresh snow, I examine the area. The trees are covered in snow and I can’t help but imagine how wonderful one would look aglow with twinkling lights and ornaments.

Breathing deeply, I shake my head, trying to dispel my need for a proper Christmas tree. Silly, really—especially at a time like this.
