Page 22 of Lustre Blanketed

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A low cry catches my attention, and I strain, trying to hear more. Is it a hurt bird? A lost child?

The sound comes again and I shuffle forward, inching deeper into the forest, straining my ears to hear the sound again. I do, and I turn sharply to the right, trying to locate the soft whimpers that are being carried by the wind at consistent intervals.

My heart pounds in my chest as they get louder and louder. What the hell am I doing? Playing search and rescue with Winnie and Cole doesn’t actually mean I know how to save someone… hell, in that scenario, I was the damn lost person.

So stupid Sloane.

But there is someone wailing out here, and I need to know if they’re okay, so I glide closer still, taking a moment to swallow around the lump in my throat. Nerves race through me, the sweat on my body turns cold, and ice prickles under my skin. The cries seem to be located right behind a nearby tree, so I ski around it, calling out.

“Hello, anyone there? My name is Sloane and I don’t know what I’m doing, but if you need help, let me know.” The sound stops for a moment, so I round the corner, completely unprepared to see the cutest, fuzziest baby kitten in the entire world. She is stuck in some deep snow, and it almost looks like a hole. The walls are piled high around her, and although she tries to scale them, the poor baby just slides right back down to land in the center. She’s a bit large for a kitten and her fur is brown and seems to have black spots all over it.Is that strange?

“Well hello, baby,” I croon, keeping my voice low as I make my way over to scoop her out of the snow. “How did you get all the way out here? This is no place for a kitten.”

Stabbing my pole deep into the ground, I crouch as low as I can, but being on skis, I can’t seem to get close enough to grab her. “Well shoot,” I mumble, as I almost topple into the hole. “I guess I need to take these off first.”

Reaching down, I push at the back of my ski bindings, and my boot pops out with a loud click and I step out, snow crunching under my feet.

Letting out a deep breath, I hobble toward the snow crater, one boot in and one boot out, but I flipping hate having to knock off all the snow to get back into the bindings; grabbing the kitten will only take a second.

“It’s okay little girl, I’m coming to get you,” I tell her quietly, getting down on one knee and reaching down until my fingers just brush her soft fur.

She meows, then takes a feisty little swipe at my hand and I jump, almost losing my balance on the precarious edge. A horrified scream leaves my throat as I wobble one way and then the other before regaining my balance.

“Hey now, be nice, you wanted me to help you so no more bitch slapping, okay?” I scold her, but seriously—I’m trying to help this little fluffball not starve.Is a little sweetness too much to ask?

Once again, I reach down for her, grabbing for the scruff of her neck like a mama cat, and this time it’s a success! Her soft fur is wet and fuzzy against my palm as I lift her from her snowy prison.

“Holy jingle bells, how much do you weigh, kitten?” I ask, surprised by how heavy she is, as I stand up triumphantly before cradling her against my chest. I’m expecting her to nestle in happily for a little nuzzle and some purring in thanks, but of course, this little hellion does the exact opposite.

Kitten claws swipe at my face and her sharp little teeth tear into my jacket, ripping a hole right through the material.

“Oh, what the heck? I just saved you from dying,” I grumble, gingerly fingering the tear just as Cole barrels toward us.

“Are you okay?” He calls, spraying me with snow, as he comes to a rapid stop in front of me. I want to yell at him for it, but the panicked look in his eyes, along with his heavy breathing, gives me pause.

“All good! I think I found what Winnie was worried about. This poor baby was stuck in a hole in the snow crying,” I announce proudly, lifting her for Cole to see. “You can praise me now for my amazing search and rescue skills—seriously, I may be even better at your job than you are.”

Continuing to gloat, I don’t even notice that his face has turned white.

“Sloane… put it down,” his voice whispers out, and only then do I turn to see his eyes locked on the dark shadows in between the trees. I’m about to ask him what has his panties in a wad when suddenly I see it too.

Two angry yellow eyes peering out of the forest.

Trained directly on me…and the wriggling kitten.

Chapter Fifteen


Relieffloodsmybodyas I get to Sloane, shocked to find her completely unharmed after her bloodcurdling scream turned my blood to ice. Her beautiful face is aglow with amusement and joy as she plays with a … kitten? And I feel my heart tug.

The pull is intense, the sense of comfort when I’m around her and feelings of attraction come to the forefront, distracting me from the moment at hand.But she’sSlater’s sister.I remind myself as warmth blooms in my chest, making it hard to breathe. What if she had been hurt? Bile tears up my throat at the thought and I suddenly feel sick with the riot of different emotions flooding me. The idea that she could be gone from my life—and maybe will be once she finds out about what I’ve done.

Is this what love feels like?

My eyes scan her from head to toe, finally zeroing in on the fuzzy menace tearing apart her jacket with its sharp claws and vicious little teeth. Amusement has the tips of my lips curling up in a smile, but it quickly freezes on my face when I note the creature’s unique coloring.

Shit—is that …

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