Page 23 of Lustre Blanketed

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My heart picks up speed, roaring in my ears as the realization that it isn’t a kitten at all crashes down on me, and the blood drains from my face.

“Sloane, put it down,” I demand quietly, turning to scan the woods. My breathing becomes rapid as I search the trees, knowing the mama mountain lion likely won’t be far from her cub. What the actual fuck? Digging deep into my memories, I struggle to recall what Drew told us about the Mountain Lions in the area. There was something about it being mating season around now and to keep away because they can be violent.

It’s not common to see a cub this time of year, according to the boring lecture he gave us. Why didn’t I listen harder?

A flash of tawny fur catches my attention, and I can just make out the shape of the big cat hunched low, stalking her prey. Her yellow eyes trained on Sloane.

“Cole, I can’t let her kill this kitty—even if she’s a bit bitey,” Sloane tells me, her voice full of conviction and just a hint of hysteria. This woman is so beautiful inside and out, willing to take on a mountain lion to save a stray.

“Put it down NOW, Fireball. It’s her baby,” I insist, clenching my fists to tamp down my rising panic.

Do we run? Do we hide? What the fuck did Drew say? Disgust and panic make it hard to think, to breathe.Why did I ever think I could do such an important job?

At my words, she drops the kitten to the ground, and it begins to make mewling sounds while swiping at Sloane’s pants instead of running toward her mother.Shit.My blood runs cold as the mother stalks closer, her yellow eyes aflame with anger as she snarls, baring her teeth, at my Fireball.

Make yourself appear as big as you can. Remain calm. Never run.Drew’s voice floats out of my memory.

“Go back,” I yell, waving my ski poles As I place my body between Sloane and the angry mountain lion. Stark terror rushes through my body when her yellow gaze snaps to me and she opens her mouth to let out a piercing growl. Her long teeth are perfectly white, ready to tear me apart and she lunges forward as quick as lightning.

Time slows, and I’m sure this is the end for me. My final seconds.

But like a miracle Winnie appears, her fur all puffed up, letting loose deep barks that shake the ground. She rushes in front of me and Sloane, scaring the cub into running straight for its mother, who immediately grabs it by the scruff and runs off into the brush.

“Holy shit,” Sloane gasps, falling to the ground and wheezing as she pulls Winnie to her and sobs into her fur. “You saved our lives. There aren’t enough treats in the world.”

Dropping to the ground beside them, I gather my girls in my arms, gripping my entire world as my limbs shake with adrenaline. Kissing Sloane’s forehead, tears come to my eyes, but I quickly blink them away—I could have lost them both.

“Let’s get out of here; we don’t know if she could come back,” I say as my voice cracks with emotion.

Breathing out a sigh of relief, we make it back into the cabin; I swear the tiny space has never felt so welcoming as we shuck our ski clothes at the door and fall in a heap onto the couch with Winnie beside us. I’m wearing just my boxers, while Sloane’s panties peek out at me from below a large sweater. We should get showered, or warmed up, or something—but I’m just too exhausted to consider moving.

“Well, that was not the adventure I had planned,” I try for a joke, as I tug Sloane into my lap, needing the closeness.

“I don’t think I’m ready to laugh about it yet,” she replies, burrowing her face into my neck and breathing deeply as she strokes her hand over Winnie’s silky fur. “But it will be a great story to tell our kids one day.”

My body automatically stiffens at the thought of kids and a future, but as fast as the worry sets in, excitement replaces it and the idea of a life together fully settles in my mind. Reading my reaction, Sloane sits up and tries to pull away from me, but I tighten my arms; refusing to let her run.

“Sorry,” she mumbles, “I don’t have any idea why I said that. When we were at the lake, I felt this intense connection and it’s still there now.”

Her delicate hand comes up to rub a circle on her chest, right over her heart, eliciting a gasp from me when I feel the tug again. Warmth blooms and the chemistry ignites between us. This time tinged with something more… something joyful, and desperate, and momentous.

“I felt it too,” I explain, running my hand over her cheek until I can tip her chin up to look at me.

My mouth crashes down against hers, and she immediately opens for me allowing my tongue to plunge inside to devour the taste that is so completely unique. Never breaking the kiss, she twists until she’s straddling my lap, her warm pussy directly over my rapidly stiffening cock.

Winnie grumbles, unhappy about our change in position, before hopping from the couch to relocate herself in front of the fire.

“Sorry girl,” Sloane laughs before turning back to me.

“I’m glad you didn’t die,” she murmurs, nipping against my bottom lip and making it sting and stoking my desire. My hands go to the soft, silken strands of her hair, running my fingers through the thick mass, pleased as it cascades down her back, shining like flames in the firelight.

A noise of agreement rumbles from my throat, as I attack her slender neck, sucking it hard until she moans and begins rocking her core over my thick cock. The thick sweater halts my progress, so I quickly tug it off, pleased to find her bare underneath. Rosy nipples make my mouth water, and I dip my head, licking and flicking them with my tongue until Sloane cries out. Her panties are becoming wet making me long to be inside her; pounding into her heat. But I want to savor this time together so I grip her small hips in my palms, urging her to grind against me harder.

“After all, it would have been a waste of a very fancy peen,” she moans as her clit grazes my piercing and I angle my hips to do it again and again.

“Is that all you would have missed?” I ask, bringing one hand around to trace the top of her panties, causing her belly to ripple with tension. Her flesh pebbles as I dip my fingers under the material, gliding lower and lower until I reach the top of her slit.

“No,” she whimpers, dropping her head to mine as I separate her slick lips to circle the rough pad of my finger against her throbbing clit. “You’re fingers and tongue are magic too.”
