Page 7 of Lustre Blanketed

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Chapter Four


Hummingthetuneto“Jingle Bell Rock,” I wrap a towel around my body, luxuriating in the soft, thick material. Tucking it above my breasts, I back into the main cabin. That shower is freaking amazing, the best water pressure. Of course, I hadn’t planned on taking a shower so soon, but when I lifted the pot of soup onto the stove to cook, it had sloshed right over the side.Whoopsie.

The instant I step into the room, a prickle of awareness races along my skin. Something feels off…

My eyes scan my surroundings. The dog is snoring peacefully on the couch, the counters are clean—wait a second.

There is a man near the door, arms folded over his chest, glowering at me. My heart leaps into my throat.

“What the fuck?” I scream, panic coursing through my veins. My soaking hair whips across my face as I search for a weapon. My gaze hones in on the big iron fire poker and I rush to grab it.

“Get out of my rental,” I yell, brandishing it at him. A cold sweat breaks out over my skin and I shiver.

“You’re in my cabin. You’re the interloper here,” he barks at me. The dog on the couch looks back and forth between us quizzically, tongue hanging out as though this is great fun. She doesn’t seem agitated, and I take a deep breath as everything clicks into place.

“Oh, you’re the moron who left Winnie here,” I breathe out a sigh of relief. “Are you Tilly’s husband? I’ve only spoken to her. Bet you’re sleeping on the couch tonight.”

He just stands there, staring at me, and I realize I still have the poker aimed at him. I lower it but still grip it tightly, not quite willing to give up my handy weapon yet.

“What are you babbling about? No, I’m not married. Yes, I left my dog in my cabin while I went to get wood for the fire,” his frown deepens into a harsh scowl. “Not sure what the rest means, but put on some damn clothes and then get the fuck out.”

Who the heck does this guy think he is?

“Look asshole,” I snap, bringing the poker up again and advancing on him. “I paid for this place; I rented it. It’s been a bad fucking month, hell a bad fucking year. Get out of this damn cabin right now before I skewer you.”

Winnie, picking up on my anger, comes to stand beside me. Emitting a low growl at the dickface.

As I get closer, I study the man before me. He’s big, but not huge, lean. His sandy brown hair is a bit overgrown and stubble lines his cheeks, but his eyes are what ensnare me. They are a deep emerald green, the darkest I have ever seen, glaring at me with annoyance.

A sense of recognition passes over me.I know him. But it takes a moment for me to register how or where I know him from.

“Cole Corrigan?” I ask, and butterflies whirl around in my stomach when his eyes narrow.

Shit, it is him. This isn’t good.

“Skiing fan?” he asks, quirking his eyebrow as he slowly undresses me with his eyes.

“Something like that,” I agree, trying to hold in my laughter. He doesn’t seem to recognize me, and I’m not sure whether I’m hurt or relieved. Being Slater Sully’s little sister isn’t easy, but I’ve been at skiing events with the two of them for years. We’ve chatted countless times. Not to mention I’ve been in more magazines and commercials than the two of them combined. Regardless, knowing he’s definitely not the type to hurt me, my fingers release the poker and it slides to the floor with a loud thump.

Cole slowly moves closer to me like a moth to a flame. He licks his tongue across his lower lip, and I realize he’s still staring at my body, gaze transfixed on my chest. My nipples pucker under the plush towel, hardening as an electric tingle zips through me from the attention.

“Hey, buddy, eyes up here,” I snap, disliking my body’s traitorous reaction. He’s close enough to touch, and I reach out, wanting to halt him. My hand smacks into the hard muscles of his chest, and I lock my elbow to keep him away. “I think it’s time for you to go. Feel free to leave the dog. I like her quite a bit more than you.”

The asshole doesn’t even bother to look at my face, but instead licks his lips as he continues to leer at my ample cleavage.

“Drop the towel, Fireball,” he says, finally looking at me. His gaze is darkened with lust. “If I like what I see, maybe I’ll let you stay inmycabin.”

My mouth opens in shock. He did not just say that… No. Way.

A shiver spreads through my body. But this time it’s not lust I’m feeling. Fuck no. It’s complete and utter disgust.

Unable to stop myself, my hand rears back and slaps him hard across the face. The loud smack echoes around the small cabin and a bright red mark appears instantly on his face, causing him to take a large step backward. His jaw hardens and his nostrils flair.

“Holy naughty list—that’s just slimy, Cole. What would Santa say? Sheesh, you can just fuck right off. Honestly, would have never thought something that douchebaggy would come out of your mouth,” I rant, irritated.

“Santa? You sound ridiculous,” he chortles. “Clearly, the only good use for your mouth is sucking cock. So, drop to your knees and do it or leave.”
