Page 8 of Lustre Blanketed

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“May reindeer stomp on your balls,” I bitch at him, stepping back to grab my tree. “You and your little dick energy can have the cabin.”

Completely flustered, I just want to get the fuck away from this rat bastard. Grabbing my keys off the table, I wrap one hand around my precious decor and rush out the door.

In my towel.

Without my coat.

Without any damn shoes.

The door slams behind me, and as the freezing temperature shocks my bare skin, I realize I may have made a poor judgment call.

Snow is falling rapidly, swirling onto the porch, and piling up. The stairs that lead down to the driveway are barely visible, buried under a thick layer of snow; only a bit of wood is still showing on the top one. There must already be close to five inches of snow on the ground. Not to mention I can’t even see my car through the whiteout conditions.

Anger still thrums in my veins, and I clench my jaw in frustration. No matter how cold it is, I’m not going back in there with that dipshit.

My car has heat. I’m not stupid, I know I can’t drive down a mountain in this… but maybe I can sleep in the car.

Maybe I won’t freeze to death…

Chapter Five


Iwon’tfeelguilty.I won’t feel guilty.

Winnie whines at me, nudging at my leg then walking over to paw at the door. She’s clearly upset with me about the redhead goddess leaving.

“Okay, fine Winnie, you’re right. That wasn’t my finest behavior,” I admit. But something about her really just pushed all of my damn buttons. She’s so beautiful that I’m still hard. And fuck, those silver-grey eyes of hers seem so familiar. Why do they seem so familiar?

Winnie growls at the door. Standing on both back paws, she lurches forward, swatting at the knob.

“Alright, alright,” I give in. The woman ran out into the cold in just a towel, which is clearly stupid on her part, but a bit problematic for me. “I guess since we’re search and rescue, leaving her out there will only mean trouble for us later.”

Reaching up, I grab her coat and mine off the rack and step into my shoes. Winnie presses hard against my side, not truly trusting me to go get her new friend. Her bright blue eyes look between me and the door, and I can feel the impatience coming off her as I twist the handle.

An arctic blast blows through the door, flinging it open and allowing Winnie to barrel outside. She immediately rushes over to the other side of the porch, where my towel-clad mystery woman is now standing in ankle-deep snow on the second stair.

The snow is piling up fast and I realize there is absolutely no way this woman can actually drive in it. Hell, even if she has a full tank of gas and a great heating system, the snow will likely reach the tailpipe of her car fairly quickly and she’ll die just sitting in it.

Ambling over to her, I can see despite her fiery temper, her whole body is shuddering in the chill.

“Maybe you should come back inside. You really think you’re going to make it down the mountain naked and in this weather?” I ask nonchalantly, although something in me wants to pick her up and toss her over my shoulder, taking her inside to warm her up in that big bed.

“Won’t know until I try,” she snaps, but I can hardly hear the words over the chattering of her teeth. Her lips are tinged blue and it looks like her wet hair may be turning to ice. Winnie, oblivious to the issue at hand, runs up and down the stairs, frolicking in the piles of glittery white snow.

“Well, you’re not going to make it down in these conditions. Then I’m going to be forced to go out and look for you. Might as well save us both from a shitty day doing that,” I offer, gesturing toward the cabin.

She continues to stare at me like she can see into my soul. My problems, my past. But not a word comes from her waspish tongue. And that may be the most worrying thing of all.

“Want your coat?” I extend my hand, offering it to her. Her knees are knocking now and I’m starting to worry about hypothermia, and also bored with whatever game she’s playing.

She nods, reaching out to grab it, with the hand not protectively cradled around that stupid tree, as a shiver travels over her body. The fluffy white towel, already useless against the elements, slips off her body, landing in the snow. For a second all I can do is gape at the work of art before me. Perfect rosy nipples make my mouth water and an expanse of pale smooth skin leads down to the juncture between her thighs. Thighs that I want to part so badly… With the swirling snowflakes behind her, she looks like some kind of wanton Christmas nymph. My cock is instantly hard, harder than it’s ever been, but when my eyes flick back to her face, all I can see is how dazed she looks.

And just like that, I’m done messing around. Whistling for Winnie, I pluck this naked mystery woman off the stairs and rush her back into the cabin. She lets out an indignant squeal, holding tight to her tree, but I ignore it. Thankfully, the fire is still crackling in the hearth, providing plenty of heat. She was only out there for a few minutes. She’s going to be fine…right?

Her skin feels like ice, so I quickly toss her onto the bed and cover her with the slightly heated blanket that was close to the fire.

“What are you doing?” she squawks, still clutching the tree as she sits up in protest. Quickly shucking my boots, coat, and shirt, I pluck the ridiculous decoration from her hands and drop it back on the stool before sliding under the covers. Yanking her back against my chest, I hold her flush against me, hoping my body heat will help to warm her quickly. Winnie jumps up on the bed, lying down on her other side like the perfect space heater she is.

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