Page 15 of Iron Fist

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There’s not a lot of people around at the clubhouse tonight, which suits me just fine. Sassy, one of the club girls, is behind the bar. She sees me come in and has a shot glass and a bottle of whiskey set up before I even sit down.

“Hey, baby, you look like you need a pick-me-up,” she remarks as I slide onto the stool.

I grab the shot glass and down it in one gulp. I slam it down on the bar and nod. “Make sure there’s another bottle of this in front of me as soon as this one is empty.”

“That bad, huh?” she purrs. “I bet I can make it better.”

“Yeah. Maybe worse.”

“You wanna talk about it?” Sassy comes around to my side of the bar. She leans forward, making sure her generous cleavage is on full display.

“No, I don’t wanna talk about it,” I growl. “Jesus, what is it with women, always wanting to talk about shit?”

“Sorry.” Sassy shrugs her shoulders and gives me a little pout. “Well, if talking’s not your thing, I got other stuff we can do.”

That’s more like it. I toss back another shot. “In a bit. Don’t go anywhere.”

I came here with the intent of gettin’ my dick wet with the first club girl I saw. Now that I’m here, the drink is callin’ to me stronger than pussy. I descend deeper into the fucking bottle, and as I do, I start thinking about the first time I met Aurora.

I remember it was like she was lit up from within, with her luminous skin and her hair the color of sunbeams. Up close, her name fit her so well it was almost crazy.

I knew from reading it somewhere that Aurora was the word for dawn in some other language. Maybe Latin. And I remembered seeing the Aurora Borealis once with my dad on an ice fishing trip up to northern Minnesota when I was a kid. I couldn’t help thinking of them that day — those awesome, captivating, mysterious lights — when I looked at her.

I fell hard and fast for Aurora Wilkins. Before I even knew it, I was doing everything I could to pretend to her and myself that she was just another chick. But I knew better. From the moment she first said my name in that breathy little voice of hers, Aurora was it for me.

But I ain’t that stupid kid anymore. And I know a fuck of a lot better now. She may be calling herself something else, but Aurora or Rory, she is the same treacherous bitch she used to be.

She lied to me one too many times. Then she skipped town and disappeared.

Who the fuck does she think she is, coming back all these years later? Fuck. That. Shit.

Thoughts of Aurora-slash-Rory spin around in my head until the room itself is starting to spin a little bit. Somewhere along the line, I notice I’m half-passed out on a couch, an empty bottle in my hand. Sassy takes it from me.

“I’m gonna make you feel so good, baby,” she purrs. “You know no one can do you like your Sassy can.” She slides onto the couch next to me, murmuring some dirty words that make my cock start to take notice. “You know I’d do anything for you, Rogue,” she whispers. “You need me. I know you do. I can be whatever you need me to be.”

Sassy’s mouth wraps around my dick, before I can reply. I let out a loud groan. She ain’t wrong that she’s good at this.

But when I come down her throat a few minutes later, somehow it’s the memory of my estranged wife’s naked body that sends me over the edge.

* * *

The next morning,when I come to in the clubhouse, my head is pounding so hard I think someone’s using a fucking jackhammer outside.

Sassy’s lying on the couch next to me, her head using my thigh like a pillow. Groaning, I slide out from under her and start to make my way to the kitchen, but then realize I’d rather drink the good coffee I buy than the swill the club stocks. Instead, I let myself out the front door and walk the gravel road to my place, my head pounding in rhythm with each step I take.

As I round the bend and my house comes into view, I’m greeted by a sharp bark. The stray dog that was here before comes bounding toward me.

“Jesus, that’s loud,” I wince. “You came back, eh? Shit, I knew I shouldn’t have fed you.”

Unlike before, the dog comes all the way up to me with no hesitation this time. Gingerly, I reach down and scratch him behind one ear. He immediately plunks his ass down in the dirt and starts panting with pleasure.

“You like that, huh? You probably haven’t had a lot of attention lately. Where’s your owners, anyway? They skip town on you or something? People can be assholes, know what I mean?”

After a couple seconds of petting him, I straighten and make my way to my front porch. He follows close on my heels. I never bothered to lock my door when I left last night for the Viking, and it swings open when I twist the knob. The dog races inside before I can stop him.

“Fuck’s sake,” I grumble, and go in behind him.

Within minutes, it’s like the damn dog owns the place. He races around the perimeter of the living room, then flies down the hall to the last door — my bedroom — and rushes inside. By the time I follow him in there, he’s already on my bed, planted smack dab in the center of it on his stomach, tongue lolling and an expectant look on his face.
