Page 40 of Makai

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“Aye, whenever you’re with me, have your fun. You’ll always be safe. You ain’t got shit to worry about. I’ll be your eyes, ears, legs, or whatever the fuck you need me to be for the sake of a good time. You’ll look back and laugh at this shit in a couple of months. You good.”

“I feel so awful.” Her whimpers were followed by sniffles.

Though I couldn’t see her face, I was almost certain she was crying. I grabbed a towel from the cubby underneath the sink and drenched it in warm water before pulling Glacier down onto my chest. I wiped her mouth and cleaned her face, sure not to leave any residue behind.

“I need you to drink at least half of this cup. You’ll feel a little better, I promise.”


She obliged, not putting up a fight. I retrieved the glass and placed it at her lips. Inch by inch, I tilted it, allowing her to drink the water at a steady pace. She continued until she was at capacity. Taking a look at the little she’d left, I nodded in approval.

“You almost killed the entire glass. That’s good.”

“I’m exhausted, Makai.”

I didn’t protest as she curled up against me, stuffing my shirt with her arms. The cold bathroom floor was no place for a naked woman, but her condition called for an exception. I finished off the water and sat the glass beside us so that my hands were free to wrap around Glacier’s ice-cold body.

Had anyone told me four months ago that I’d be in The Catherine, clinging to a drunken guest on the bathroom floor as she tried to find comfort despite her situation, I would’ve sworn they were lying. But as of three months ago, I knew that shit was a possibility.

My interest was piqued that day Glacier waltzed into my world, hailing a busted tire and a graduation gown. I didn’t want to leave her pretty ass then but I knew she had some shit to handle. Pushing up on her while vulnerable wasn’t something I was willing to do, no matter how much I wanted her ass. And truth be told, I wanted her bad.

There was something about her innocence. There was something about her eyes. There was something about her that was tantalizing and impossible to forget. It took nearly everything in me not to spin the block and park my whip for the night when I dropped her off at the crib. But I wasn’t ready and neither was she. Now that we’d both had over three months to get our shit together, the odds were in our favor.

She was fast asleep, wasting little time counting Zs. Her light snores did weird shit to my heart. It was a damn shame that a woman so beautiful slept so fucking ugly. Her mouth hung open slightly, explaining the reason she was always slobbering.

“This fucking girl, man.”

I leaned my head against the vanity behind us.

What the fuck am I doing? I wondered, knowing that the life I lived didn’t accommodate a woman, a partner.

Not only were there niggas waiting to find a weakness of yours but there were a plethora of other reasons that made me think more than twice about what I wanted with Glacier. I wasn’t exactly sure what it was that I craved at the moment, but I knew it was more than I had with any woman on my contact list.

Her softness was a sacred place I could land on a daily after the bullshit I faced while in the mix of things. The days were long and felt never-ending. My cold, lonely bed wasn’t feeling too comfortable as of lately. Though I’d never cared to have a woman to come home to each night, Glacier didn’t make the shit feel like a bad idea. And even if it wasn’t every day of the week, a few would suffice.

Mommas was adorable. The button nose, enlarged eyes, thick lips, high cheeks, and natural hair that flowed like silk were the perfect combination. Her lips were still painted red, smudging very little during her episode on the toilet. I lowered mine until they touched hers, kissing them.



Three times and I still hadn’t had enough.

I capped myself at the fourth when she began stirring in her sleep. Shamefully, I could feel my addiction to this woman, this perfect stranger growing and there wasn’t much I could do to help myself. Over the last three months, I’d suppressed every thought and refused to bring any of the scenarios I’d pictured of her to fruition. But that shit ended the second my knuckles hit her door last night.

And though she was a stranger, she felt more familiar than any woman I’d ever stuck my dick in. It was possible that we shared the same reality that pushed her past the boundaries I set for the rest of them. Or, maybe it was the fact that she was oblivious to who I was, what I did, and what I could offer her. Women wanted to sink their claws in me to gain status and recognition but still got fucked on the low.

Clout chasers didn’t even get a call back after our link-ups. But Glacier, she was as green as they came. While the entire city of Berkeley knew and cherished any Domino they came in contact with, she had no fucking idea and I appreciated that. I could remove the hats I wore every day and come as is. That shit was underrated but didn’t go unnoticed.

“Let me get ya drunk ass in the bed.” I sighed, lifting us both from the floor.

Slowly, and careful not to wake her, I headed toward the bedroom. When close enough, I pulled the sheets back and lowered her into the space I’d created for her to rest. I tucked the comforter underneath her chin and stepped back to observe my handiwork. Mommas was sound asleep, mouth wide open.

With a shake of the head, I backed out of the room. She was too damn pretty to sleep like the animal she wasn’t. That shit wouldn’t ever not be funny to me.

I slid the door that led to the water back. The sound of the crashing waves reminded me of Glacier’s request. She forced me to quiet and listen to the sound of peace. At that very moment, it wasn’t only heard. It was felt, too. I pulled out my phone and dialed the latest number I’d received for the oldest of our crew.

He was hardly around and I missed his ass every day, but whenever I called, he was on the line waiting for me. Life had pulled him in a different direction and it was painful to even consider how long he’d been in the wind. But I’d rather have pieces of him than to see him in a cage for the rest of his life.
