Page 41 of Makai

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The phone rang twice before I heard his voice on the other line.

“Makai,” he answered.

“Ayo, Chem. I think I’ve found her, big bro. I just need a little advice so I won’t fuck this shit up. I need to get it right the first time. She’d been through enough.”

I waited for him to respond, taking a seat on the deck and sparking my blunt as he took his precious time. He wasn’t in a hurry, and neither was I.

“Come down to the water. I want you to tell me all about her.”

The call ended as I attempted to digest the news he’d just shared. I wanted to be surprised, but I wasn’t. Chem was like a thief in the night, always there when you least expected it. No one was expecting him. Had he divulged that bit of information, Mercer would’ve hopped his ass on the plane, too. We never missed an opportunity to catch up with him because we never knew when we’d get another.

I shoved the phone in my pocket and made my way toward the water, still unsure of where he was requesting my presence, exactly. But the inhaling I heard from behind made it clear that I was in the right spot.

“Long time no see, Menace.”

“My name is Makai, nigga.”

“Could’ve fooled me,” he scoffed, pulling me closer to embrace.

* * *

Mommas wanted to sleep forever. It was after ten and she hadn’t budged. The liquor was still on her ass. Her mouth had finally closed and she finally resembled the sleeping beauty she was.

I managed to shit, shower, and shave as she slept the morning away. With any luck, I’d have her up by twelve so that we could enjoy the rest of the day’s activities that were on the itinerary. Jet skiing and the yacht were two things I had no intention of skipping.

Wake up, big head ass girl.

As if she heard my thoughts, the fluttering of her eyes began. Slowly, she came to, confusion covering her beautiful face. I witnessed the moment it all came back to her. Her facial muscles relaxed at once as a groan left her mouth.


I wasted little time kissing the remainder of the red lipstick right off those lips of hers. They were irresistible, beckoning for me every fucking chance they got.

“We’re late for breakfast,” I informed her.

“I’m not hungry,” she whined. “I’m hungover.”

“That’s crazy because I’m starving.”

“I’m so sorry, Makai. Maybe you can go without me or find something to eat here. Is there anything to eat here?” she asked, worry lines creasing her forehead. “I can even prepare something if you give me a few minutes to—”

“Yeah, G. There is something here to eat and it’s been cooking all fucking night. It’s hot,” I expressed, sliding underneath the cover. “And it’s ready.”

I slid the panties from her pussy. Because her legs were together, it made the task of removing them fairly easy. Glacier assisted me, lifting slightly so I could get them over her ass.

I’d heard the fondest stories of the innocent ones coming unglued in the bedroom. Mommas was proving the rumors to be true. When her legs spread, giving me access to her box, her shyness faded. Her brain cells were activated. She thought clearly.



Knowledge, notice, or awareness.

Synonyms include: consciousness, recognition, perception, and realization.

Glacier knew what the fuck she was doing when she exposed me to the prettiest pink pussy on the planet. My mouth watered instantly. Her freshness made my dick hard but it wasn’t his turn. Not yet, anyway. I had other plans for him that didn’t include this moment.

“Goddamn,” I whispered.
