Page 45 of Makai

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He’d jumped off his to rescue me the second he noticed I wasn’t on mine anymore. His long arms pulled me from the water, hoisting me into the air so that I was back on my bike safely. But not before the moment we spent vest to vest, nose to nose, mouth to mouth, as we both found humor in my despair.

“You can’t swim, can you, Kiwi?” he asked, pecking my lips in between words.


“Then let’s tighten this fucking life vest. I’d act a damn fool if I lose you before I’ve even had the chance to fully enjoy you.”

“Makai.” My jaws ached from smiling. “Fully enjoy me?”

“Yeah. If you die on me and I ain’t even hit that shit yet, I’ma need a refund or some shit.” Makai tightened the first strap so that my vest was snug against my body.

“Are you serious right now?”

“Dead serious, baby, so don’t tip over again. You’ll want to kill yourself all over if you go out before sampling this dick.”

“You’re truly insane.”

“What’s wrong with that?” he asked, tightening the final strap.

Honesty ruled in my world.

“Nothing,” I responded truthfully.

The edge it gave Makai, I adored.

“Exactly. Now get ya slow ass on here and don’t fall again.”

“I won’t,” I promised, balancing my weight on the jet ski.

“When we get back to the city, I’m tossing your ass in my pool. You can either sink or you can swim.”

“Is that an invitation to your home?”

“That’s an invitation to my heart,” he replied without hesitation.

The entire world stopped as the ringing of my ears began. I felt as if I’d been pushed into the deep end without a life jacket or a float. There was only me and then there was Makai.

I couldn’t find the words to say, so I remained soundless, examining every feature on his face while searching for signs of dishonesty. There were none.

“What’s the matter, Mommas?”

Lowering my eyes, I conjured words that weren’t as easy as others to emit.

“Where’d you come from?”

As the question surfaced, so did newfound emotions. I was desperate to know who this man was, where he’d come from, why he was treating me like precious gold when it would stop, and if I’d be able to recover. It had taken me two months to completely rip the remnants of my four-year relationship away from my heart. Somehow, Makai seemed impossible and it had barely been two days.

His spirit was alluring. His personality was captivating. His smile was charming. His wittiness was seductive. His spontaneity was enticing. And his oral sex, it was magic. He intrigued me in every way possible.

There had hardly been a dull moment with us. Though we’d been spending almost every minute together since we’d landed. I’d yet to grow tired of this man. I’d yet to crave my own space, which was preferred by every man I’d ever spent any amount of time with.

“The hood,” he admitted.

Shaking my head, I placed my fork on the table. My helping was gone and so was Makai’s. I retrieved my glass again, ready to fill the gaps of silence with words, with questions.

“When will it stop?”

“When will what stop?”
