Page 46 of Makai

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“The treatment. This treatment. The glorification. The effortless conversation. The intertwined fingers and care taken. When will it stop? And how far into your heart are you actually inviting me? I don’t want to be left at the surface.”

“When will it stop?” He sniggered, taking a sip from his cup. “I don’t know, Glacier. Probably when you’re begging me to get the fuck out of your face because you’re PMSing and need a punching bag or some shit. Probably when you’re pissed I didn’t make it to ya crib on time because I got tied up.

“Probably when you’re stressed and need time alone. Probably when you’re ovulating, horny, and need dick inside of you every hour of the day but a nigga is busy. Shit, I don’t know. That’s up to you. I won’t ever stop giving it, but there will be times when you’re up in your feelings and won’t be willing to receive it.”

“Is this your way of asking me to be your girlfriend, Makai? Because I’d need to hear the words from your mouth.”

“You won’t hear them, Mommas, because I ain’t asking you shit. I’m telling you what it is. You can either fall in line or fall in line. Because I’m reasonable, I gave you two options.”



He was serious. His straight face and rising brows proved his case.

“Have you ever been in love?”

Though the girls had made it clear that Makai had never been in love, I needed to hear it from him. With him being a secret romantic, it left me curious about his past.


His answer was disheartening. I felt my limbs lock as he confirmed he’d fallen for partners in the past.

“Have you ever had your heart broken?”

I moved on, trying to recover from the first blow. Unfortunately, I was hit with another.

“Yes. Four times.”

Stunned, I swallowed my pride, fishing for more information.


“Once when I woke up to find my mother and pops in bed without pulses. Again when my sister-in-law was murdered. Again watching my brother suffer with no one to kill, no one to harm. And then, again, discovering Malachi had handled the deed without me.”


“His wife, Anna, was murdered in their home, in front of my niece. She was only six months old.”

“My God.”

“Anna, my mother, and my aunt are the only two women I’ve loved without limits. I wouldn’t say that I was in love with them, but dammit, their deaths were enough to make me feel the pain of losing a spouse—especially Anna. That hit me right here.” He pointed to his chest. “Made my shit explode.”

“I’m so sorry that happened.”

“Me, too. Sorry for my brother, especially. Aeir has been his saving grace but it doesn’t negate the fact that he lost a love. No matter how much time passes, I still see the pain that resides in his eyes.”

“Seeing how he and Aeir are, I would’ve never known.”

“He’s head over heels for Aeir. He loves that woman down to his core. One wouldn’t know anything unless they knew Anna. She, too, was his heart.”

“Do you want children?”

“I’ve never considered it. I’ve never considered a significant other.”


