Page 50 of Makai

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“Makai…” I whispered in his mouth.

“Shhhh.” He silenced me. “Just listen to us. Just feel us. Just stay here with me, in this moment. No words.”

Obliging, I refrained from speaking again. To make sure that I remained in the moment, void of words, Makai took my tongue into his mouth again.

I opened my ears. I opened my heart. I opened my walls. I opened my world. I opened for him.

Tears stained my cheeks, kissing the air and reminding me that this wasn’t a dream. I was at the water’s edge, in the middle of the night, filled to capacity, feeling everything and nothing at once. I had every reason, every right, to cry. And so I did. Soundlessly, allowing my feelings to flow freely from my eyes without shame or reservation.

He felt that good. We felt that good. It all felt so good.

Makai leaned over until my body met the mattress. Positions altered, leaving me beneath him. My dress pooled around my stomach, leaving the rest of me exposed. Makai fisted my breast, still stroking me gently and with precision.

Subtle moans escaped me. The sound of my well releasing constant lubrication blended seamlessly with the sounds of the ocean. Together, they made the most beautiful instrumentals.

Makai’s hands moved down my frame, both collecting my fingers along the way. Palm to palm, he lifted them over my head as he stared through the darkness. I could feel his gaze, carving holes in my chest to steal a heart that would be his, anyhow, when it was all said and done. As we held hands, he dug into me with slightly more speed.

“Shit,” he grunted. “Fuck.”

Makai’s peaking was as beautiful as his dark eyes and flawless skin. He removed himself, creating a mess of my dress. His semen’s warmth barely grazed the skin of my stomach, but I felt every droplet that had managed to escape the rest.


Closing my eyes, I etched his vocals in my head. I never wanted to be without them. Soulful. Calming. Captivating. It was a chosen drug. Though new, I was fully invested in it already.

I lifted my butt and allowed Makai to pull my dress from my body. He cleaned my stomach with the driest parts before tossing it off to the side.

“I don’t know if I made it out in time, Kiwi,” he whispered, kissing my lips. I could hear the worry in his tone.

“It’s okay,” I assured him. “Let’s think about it tomorrow.”

Tonight, there was no use. I didn’t want to worry about anything. I wanted to saunter in ecstasy, silence luring us both into a peaceful slumber.

“Tomorrow.” He yawned.

His body flattened next to me. As soon as his head hit the pillow, he pulled me into his arms. My lids sealed, again, welcoming the most peaceful slumber I’d experienced since the night before my parent’s fatal car crash.


My home had always been my safe place, but it was beginning to feel like my private hell as Makai cleared the distance between me and my front door. A full week in a foreign country with limitless time to spend with him left me spoiled and aggravated with the thought of returning to reality.

The dream he’d created for me, I was ready to revisit already. A week wasn’t enough. I needed a lifetime.

“Fix your face, Mommas. You look like you just lost your best friend.”

Makai rubbed my cheek with the back of his hand. He took his eyes off the road momentarily to establish a connection and assure me everything was fine. Somewhere within me, I felt indifferent.

Is everything okay? I wondered.

“It feels like it.” Sadly, I sighed.

I leaned into his hand, needing to feel the pressure that offered security in my world.

“Cheer up. What’s with the long ass face?”

“I have work in less than two hours. I haven’t adjusted yet. I’ve been flying for the last seven days and it feels like I’m being tossed out of the plane with a swift kick to the spine.”

Chuckling at the description of my feelings, Makai shook his head. Simultaneously, the wheels on his truck stopped rolling in the middle of a busy street. He placed his flashers on and switched gears. Now in park, he turned to face me.
