Page 53 of Makai

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I jumped. Hearing the door slam against the frame left me with so many mixed emotions. I struggled to know if I wanted to cry, run after him, or respect his feelings as he had mine.

Glacier, what have you done? I groaned inwardly.

Paralyzed with grief, I remained in the same spot until my legs began to burn. I gathered my bearings and headed for the shower. In less than two hours, I’d be clocking in. A forty-five-minute nap was high on my priority list before and it had to happen before I walked out of the door.

* * *

True to his word, I hadn’t seen or heard from Makai in a week. His absence left me sick to the stomach. Every morning, I got home from work, I crawled in my bed where I stayed until it was time to leave for work again. Depression was settling in and the cure was nowhere to be found.

“Look, you can get your ass up or we can come get yo’ ass up. Either is fine with me,” Kleu threatened. “We’re all having brunch at one and I’ll be damned if you miss it because you miss that aggravating ass nigga. I don’t know what you see in that asshole, anyway.”

“It’s more so what she feels,” Nature said, coming to my defense. “And it’s the same thing you feel for your man. He’s on the same spectrum as Makai.”

“Nobody asked you anything!” Kleu chuckled. “Leave my man out of this.”

“He’s an a-hole to the rest of the world, but he is the sweetest thing to me,” I sighed. “This whole time I’ve been thinking he’d be the one to start this thing off on the wrong foot but it’s me.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, why are you still holding onto your ex’s things?” Aeir questioned.

“They’re gone now. And they’d become my things. The briefs I wore because they’re so comfortable. Not because they’re his. The trimmer I use when I’m too lazy to go to my wax appointment.”

“I understand but you have to see Makai’s point of view. Just imagine if you’d walked into his bathroom to find his ex’s robe that he wears because it’s comfortable or her entire face care kit because he hasn’t bothered buying his own since they split?” Aeir reasoned.

“I knoooow. I feel where he’s coming from, one hundred percent. I just wish he didn’t put me in the doghouse to make his point.”

“Better that than cut you off completely,” Nature spoke.

“That’s true. The good thing about it is, I had my period this week. I guess the punishment had benefits.”

“Exactly, so when the nigga comes back around, you can knock him off his feet without interruptions!” Kleu yelled, dancing in the camera.

“It’s almost twelve,” Aeir reminded us all.”

“I knooooow. Send me the location again. I’ll be there.”

“Good, because I don’t mind a good tussle.”

“Kleu, she said she’s coming,” Nature belted. “Leave the girl alone. Her feelings are hurt.”

“Ummm hmmm. I know. That’s why I want her out of that house.”

The call ended with us all saying our goodbyes, promising to see each other in less than two hours. The nap I’d taken immediately after work made the timing perfect. A good soak in some scolding hot water and a bit of pampering would do the trick and whip me right into shape.

Enthusiasm had been hiding for a full week, but peeped its head out at the realization I’d confirmed plans with the girls. Since the trip, I’d slowly gravitated to their circle and was welcomed with open arms. The betrayal I felt discovering Valencia and Nelson were hooking up in their spare time was replaced with love from the new girl gang that I’d stumbled upon.

During the time that Makai had been avoiding me, they’d been my saving grace. I received daily calls from someone in the circle and managed to get a few laughs from the text thread they’d added me to. Hadn’t they been present, I wasn’t sure how the week would’ve gone.

As I stood and stretched my limbs, a text came through. I rushed down to the bed, again, hopeful that it was the man I’d been waiting for. Unfortunately, it was Kleu.

The address. I recalled asking for it. However, when I opened the message to find a number that I didn’t have stored, I was overjoyed. Multiple heart emoji followed the message that she’d sent.

I just got this from Lawe’s phone. It’s Makai’s personal number. Call your man, sweet cheeks.

Without hesitation, I tapped the number and waited for the line to connect. Ten seconds later, I was still holding the phone to my ear. Another six seconds and the voicemail greeted me. I weighed my options, wondering if I should hang up or leave a message. Choosing the latter, I waited for the beep.

“Hey, Makai. It’s me… Glacier. At your earliest convenience, please give me a call or text at the very least. I miss you immensely.”
