Page 54 of Makai

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I ended the call, refusing to replay the message because I was certain I’d erase it.

If he calls, he calls. If he doesn’t, I won’t sweat it, I coached as I made my way to the bathroom to begin grooming. I won’t sweat it.

A warm bath was first on the list. I soaked for an hour. My fingers and toes were wrinkled and I’d refilled the tub twice by the time I rose with bubbles popping all over me. I warmed the tiniest amount of wax in the small warmer that I used to snatch the hair from the root that grew above my lip.

Because it grew back so often, I never waited for appointments to have it taken care of. If I waited that long, my mustache would be as full as Makai. Though it was an exaggeration, I felt like a cavewoman when the smallest bit of hair began to peep through my skin.

I polished my face with blush, highlighter, mascara, and clear gloss. When I finally opened my door, dressed in a pleated skirt and corset with matching heels, I was feeling so much better. I understood how foolish I sounded declining the invitation earlier on. Because a day out with women of such a high caliber would be the self-care I needed after such a long week.

A box waited for me outside my door. Because I wasn’t expecting a package, it came as a surprise to me. Makai Domino was listed as the recipient, further confusing me. Nevertheless, I brought the box inside. I checked the time on my phone, calculating the time I had to spare. Leaving my home without checking the contents of it wasn’t an option.

Five minutes.

I used the box opener to cut through the tape on the package. The enormous Chanel box left me speechless. I untied the bow and removed the top of the box, finding a classic flap in black. It matched perfectly with my attire. In haste, I removed the contents of my bag and stuffed the medium-sized shoulder bag.

I rushed out of the door less than three minutes later, mentally promising to clean the mess I’d made when I returned. I had the next few nights off, so there was plenty of time to clean. Sliding into my car had me feeling an imbalance. The bag on my arm cost more than two of the cars I was driving.

Makai’s generosity before parting ways paid my bills for the remainder of the three months I had left on my lease. My earnings went straight into my savings. As I pulled out of the parking lot, I checked the banking app to see exactly how much unused money was sitting and determine if I wanted to use a portion of it on a down payment for something more up-to-date.

Because the meeting point wasn’t too far from my home, I arrived within fifteen minutes. Finding a spot to park was difficult, but I managed to catch a couple exiting. Thankful for their departure, I carefully replaced their car with mine.

Perfect timing.

Aeir held the door for Nature to go before her.

“Wait up!” I yelled, grabbing both of their attention.

“Well, aren’t you the cutest?” Aeir extended her arms, welcoming me in for a hug.

“Thank you. You look stunning yourself.”

“Kleu is already waiting. I hope you don’t mind my friend joining us. She’s in town for a few days. She, too, is a nurse, but she travels.”

“Oh, nice. I’d like to hear all about that.”

We reached the table shortly after entering the establishment. Introductions began, everyone embracing each other with the kindest, warmest hugs before we all sat down to stare at the endless menu.

“What are we drinking?” Kleu asked.

“I’m not. Not today, anyway. Sorry.”

“Understood,” she replied. “As for me, though… Baby, I need an entire pitcher to tell y’all how I thought Lawe’s vasectomy failed us. I didn’t see my period until today. Keep in mind, it’s been missing for three weeks.”

“Oh, wo-wow,” I stuttered.

The heaviness that surrounded me felt unreal and sudden.

I shifted in my chair, searching for the only presence that made it possible to feel like I was submerged underwater without oxygen to breathe.


Our eyes locked. I watched him obliterate the space between us, not stopping until he was beside me.


I tried comprehending the depth of the moment, the depths of him. In shallow territory, I searched for understanding but was met with resistance. Money was placed on the table, but his eyes never left mine.

“Hope you ladies having a good fucking day. G, let me holler at you right quick.”
