Page 55 of Makai

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He nodded toward the back of the restaurant where the restroom signs were posted. My body was out of my seat, trailing behind him, helplessly, before I could protest. When we finally reached the secluded space, closest to the emergency exit, the questions began.

“How’d you know where I was?”

“Your phone is under my plan. Our locations are both shared. The information for the account is in the Notes app.”

Feeling cheated of a full week, I huffed and pushed my back against the wall. Had I known where Makai was this entire time, I would’ve shown up, just like he had today.

“I called you today.”


“So? What do you mean, so?”

His response was a swift kick to the abdomen.

“I don’t give a fuck ’bout no call, G. I’m right here, right now. You can tell me what you want.”

“That’s rude, Makai, and mean.”

“So is—”

I couldn’t bear the thought of him condemning me.

“Okay. Okay. I get it. You’re upset.”

“What you wanted when you called, G?”

“To see you. And can you stop calling me G? My name is Glacier or Mommas or Kiwi or baby.”

“It was, G. I ain’t feeling none of that shit right now.”

“Are you really hitting this low, Makai?”

“I told you the first week, hell is my limit, and the only reason that is is because I ain’t been there yet to find out what’s lower than that.”

“Then why are you here, Makai? To disturb my day? Hmm? Because it could’ve gone perfectly fine without you.”

The darkness in his eyes was replaced with regret. Pain, maybe. I wasn’t sure. The mention of not wanting him to interrupt my day had struck a nerve. He softened, but only for a second.

“If you don’t want to talk to me or communicate with me, then do what you want. But not halfway. Don’t pop up on me. Don’t pull me to the side to talk about nothing. Don’t bait me in just to leave me hanging. Stand on your s-stand on your principles, Makai. I’m respecting your space. Don’t come bothering me until you’re ready to come back to me.”

I stormed in the other direction, ready to pack my things and head home. My apology to the girls would have to come later. I’d made it a few inches away from Makai when his fingers wrapped around my arm, pulling me back.

My body slammed against the wall as I waited for words to fall from his lips. He shot fire at me through his eyes. In no mood to return the energy he was exuding, I stepped forward in an attempt to leave again. Gently, he pushed my back against the wall again.

“I don’t fight, Makai. I never will. I don’t have a toxic bone in my body. I only fill my life with healthy relationships, no matter if it’s friendships or partnerships. I don’t argue. I don’t fuss. That’s not me. If that’s what you’re trying to get from me or expecting at all, then I’m not her. I’m not the woman for you.

“Communication is my only weapon. It’s all I’ll ever use to progress in situations. You’re upset, but you’re not communicating with me. I can’t win here. You can’t win here. So, what’s the point?”

The question was painful to even ask. Tears welled in my eyes as they finally left my lips. His silence was nauseating. I was sick to my stomach as I gathered myself, pressing forward without intentions of returning.

“I don’t like the way I’m feeling.”

His words stopped me in my tracks. I faced him, again, prepared to hear him out.

“I’m a grown-ass man, G, and I’ve never felt any emotion for a woman that wasn’t my mother, aunt, or my brothers’ wives. Family. That’s all I’ve ever given a fuck about. And then, you saunter your fine ass in my line of vision, leaving me feeling so many fucking things at once.

“I’m overwhelmed. I’m overstimulated. I’m all over the fucking place. And that shit I saw in your bathroom made my chest hurt. I felt like somebody was reaching in my shit, trying to pull my heart out that bitch.
