Page 65 of Makai

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“Are you really going to stand there with those big, sad eyes and droopy lip?”

“Is it working?”

“No. Not really. As much as I want to hang out with you today, the sound of condo searching is enough to get me out of the house, baby. A new place? Oh my God, the feeling is unmatched.”

“And getting you out of your place will make me feel much better, too, so I ain’t tripping. Let me know how much longer on your lease or what it’ll take to break it and I got you.”

“Makai, you really don’t keep track of how much you spend on me, do you?”

“For what?” He tittered. “If you felt that little pussy between your legs, you wouldn’t keep track, either. I’m ’bout ready to empty my pockets right now, lint and all. You can have it, Kiwi.”

“Shut up and get out so I can get dressed.”

I snatched a pair of leggings and a cropped top to match. On top, I planned to wear my denim jacket and the sand-colored slides that Makai had purchased me.

“I’m not ready to leave yet. You can get dressed with me in here.”

He made his way inside, sitting on the bench in the middle of the massive closet.

“So aggravating.” My cheeks rounded as a smile lifted my brows and stretched my lips upward.

“Don’t do me like that,” he pled.

Spoiling Makai mentally and catering to his emotional desires was such a privilege that I was fully invested in. He was the biggest, bravest bear that simply needed someone to stroke the gentle parts of him that were hidden from the rest of the world.

“If you’re going to stay, can you help a little?”

“Whatever you need.”

He was on his feet immediately. Acts of service and gift-giving were undoubtedly his love languages. Being needed, feeling like he could be of assistance, and watching someone find joy in his gifts made his heart pump.

“Socks. Do you have any brown ones, specifically ones that match this?”

“Yeah. I got you. One second.”

Makai exited, leaving me with a hundred thousand and ninety-two feelings that all had a subject in common—my growing love for him. My baby.

* * *

I pecked his lips a final time and climbed into Aeir’s truck.

“Hm.” He pushed forward, kissing me once again before slamming the door.

“Pull off!” I demanded, knowing we’d be another few minutes if she gave Makai a chance to think of anything else that would keep me in his presence longer.

“Wait!” he yelled, knocking on the window.

“I told you to pull off.” I sniggered.

“Sorry, Glacier, but I can’t do my brother like that. Let him have his way. He deserves it.”

“Yes, baby?” I asked, poking my head out of the window.

“Here. Get y’all something to eat while y’all out. I know y’all like talking shit about us over sweet ass drinks and nasty ass food, pretending to hate us.”

“We don’t,” I scoffed. He had it all wrong.

“Yeah. Yeah. Here.” He handed me a few hundreds from his knot.
