Page 64 of Makai

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“Mine, too,” I confessed.

“Which makes me want to do this shit right, Mommas. The people I love, I don’t let them down. I never have and I never will. I’d go to the ends of the earth for ’em, no questions asked. I feel the same about you, but the shit is a little different.

“My family, they don’t expect much from a nigga, especially on a daily basis. I strived every fucking day to be the dude that you need that day because every day, I’ve realized you need something else, another version of me I probably haven’t even tapped into yet. So, I’m just trying to make sure I’m not lacking.”

He began rubbing my body down, again, using the towel to dry my tears as well.

“Am I?” My voice shook, hoping I’d been as accommodating to him as Makai had been to me.

“No. No. No, you aren’t. You make a nigga feel real fucking good these days, G. Purposeful. Ya know? Give me something to look forward to every damn day. I be out in the streets, ready to skip and bob my head to some fucking love song as I make my way back to you.

“I’m pressing niggas to hurry the fuck up so that I can get home to see you off to work. And the nights you’re off, a motherfucker better not even call my phone about business. All because I’m digging the way you make me feel and the way I feel about you. Maybe them ain’t the right words.” He chuckled.

“A nigga with a textbook memory and I can’t even think of enough to describe what be going on in here? You see what you do to me, woman?” He laid his palm against his chest. “But I like it. I’m scared but I’ve never been a pussy, though.”

His last few words stuck with me, prompting the next question. “What are you most fearful of?”

His eyes darkened a few shades as he stared off into the distance. He’d disconnected. I desperately needed him back in the moment.

“Baby,” I called out to him. He lowered his eyes to me, letting me know he was back with me.

“Becoming the man I saw my brother as over a two-year span and having the same reason to become that man.”

“Anna,” I whispered.

“Anna.” He nodded. “Aeir doesn’t even know how much I appreciate her, how much the fam appreciates her. She brought him back to us.”

“I’m so thankful for the new friendships you’ve helped me foster. The women are everything I could’ve imagined in a girl group.”

“They’re good people, baby. You’re in good hands. I promise.”

“I know.”

“After you get dressed, Aeir will be downstairs waiting. She’s already on her way to get you. I called in a quick favor.”

“Where are we going?”

Though excited, I wanted to know how my day would flow. Most of them were spent catching up on sleep, taking Ghost and Midnight for walks, FaceTime with Makai, and lunch dates with the girls when they were available.

“She’s taking you to look at some condos so you can get out of that bullshit ass—”

“Makai,” I warned, knowing he was ready to fly off the handle. I lured him back in, back to me.

“Anyway, you leaving all that shit in there unless I spent my money on it.”

“Fine with me.” Shrugging, I continued. “But what you’re not going to do is get worked up over something so irrelevant. You’ve made it clear that you’re going to provide me with a new space. Let’s leave it there.”

“I was,” he stated as a matter of fact, kissing my lips to let me know that he wasn’t letting his thoughts overrule his happiness.

“Good. Now, how long do I have?”

“About twenty minutes.”

“Makai, you’ve wasted so much of my time this morning, knowing you had plans for me?” I joked, bolting through the bedroom and into the second closet in his bedroom that I’d made mine. It was fairly empty, but I was slowly building a decent-sized wardrobe with his help.

“My bad, Mommas. I was enjoying your company and contemplating telling her to cancel the plans but I finally said fuck it.”

He followed behind me like the lost puppy he was whenever it was time for me to leave him.
