Page 91 of Makai

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“Because you’ll still go down for murder and your dogs are going with you.”

The thought of Ghost and Midnight being euthanized at my expense snapped me out of the trance my anger had catapulted me in.

“Halt!” I yelled.

Instantly, Midnight and Ghost sat back on their legs and stilled, blood and pieces of flesh hanging from their mouths. Somewhat satisfied, I demanded more of them.

“In the truck.”

Snapping my fingers, I pointed toward the truck door that Mercer was now holding open. Leaving Nelson on the ground leaking was an option, but it felt too much like right.

Kneeling beside him, I explained, “I’m nothing like them. I’m uncouthed. I have no fucking limit when it comes to Glacier. Fucking with her is like fucking with my money and I don’t play about my fucking money, bitch ass nigga. Consider yourself terminated. You have no traps. You have no white. You have no fucking crib. I burned that bitch to the ground. The smell is still lingering in the air this morning. Everything you’ve worked so hard to get, I’ve taken it. Everything being in business with me has helped you gain, I’ve taken it. You’re a bitch. A hoe ass nigga and that’s all you’ll ever be. I bailed you out, not because I’m ya fucking boss, but so that you’re out here with me where I won’t have any problems getting active, bitch! I’m coming and I ain’t stopping until your name on niggas’ t-shirts and your mother’s fat ass face is plastered all over the fucking news as she cries for justice for her hoe ass son. But there will be none.”

Gathering every ounce of saliva in my mouth, I spat on his open wounds, stood to my feet, and headed to the truck where my boys and Mercer were waiting.

“I will handle it, Makai,” Mercer advised before I was able to settle in the truck.

“I don’t need you to handle my shit, Mercer. I’ve got it.”

“I don’t need to see you behind that wall, so I’ve got it.”

“No. Fuck the wall. That man violated me. He has to see me in these fucking streets. Point. Blank. Fuck you and anybody else who doesn’t understand that shit.” Spit flew from my mouth as I defended my decision. “I’ll sit behind twelve walls when it comes to her, Mercer. I don’t give a fuck.

“Glacier is a good fucking girl, dog. She stay to herself. She’s out the fucking way. She doesn’t bother nobody. She work and bring her ass home to me. She’s my responsibility and I’m going to dead any and everything that brings her harm.

“That’s on Momma, nigga. That’s on Daddy, nigga. If I don’t kill that bitch, then my name ain’t Makai motherfucking Domino. Pops ain’t raised a single hoe, my nigga. He has to get it!”

“Say no more, then.”

“I ain’t.”

My emotions began to overwhelm me. I felt the fear thicken in my throat. Knowing that there was someone in the world out to harm Mommas wasn’t sitting well with me. It was way too triggering. It reminded me of a time when everyone’s world was up in flames, a time we lost someone we loved and cherished dearly because jealousy and envy were at the top of a nigga’s priority list.

She’s a good fucking girl, I reminded myself again. My job was to protect her and I’d go to the ends of the earth to do so.

* * *

Night had fallen hours ago and I was still riding the city in circles. Comfort felt so far out of reach. At the moment, Glacier couldn’t even offer it to me. Nelson’s entire operation had halted.

“Makai, are you there?”

“Yeah, Royce. I’m here.”

“The funds have been transferred into the account. Anything that comes in after will automatically be rerouted to the account. He won’t see a dollar. The only money he has at his disposal at the moment is any cash in his possession.”

“I’ve had my people shake down his spots. He doesn’t have much of that either unless we missed a location, which I highly doubt.”

“Good, then.”

Calling in favors wasn’t the route I preferred, but when it came to technical shit, that was beyond me. Putting someone on the matter that I trusted wholeheartedly was my only option. There was no one in the business I trusted more with my account numbers than Royce. It was her first time getting ahold of them, but there was no doubt in my mind she’d protect them with her life.

A woman of many resources, she could handle the most complicated tasks with ease. Until now, I’d never had use for her services. However, I wanted to snatch every dollar I’d helped Nelson make right from under his nose, leaving him dead broke and out in the open where I’d snap his fucking neck the second I caught up with him.

“How is she?” Sighing, she asked the dreadful question.

“I don’t know. My head’s been in a different space. I haven’t talked to her. Respectful of her infectious and optimistic spirit, I don’t want to dump this fucked-up ass energy on her. She won’t understand. She won’t know how to handle it. She won’t recognize me.”

“But she’ll recognize your heart.”
