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The moment I’d noticed her lean hungry look, I’d known what she was about. My grandfather had taught me many things but his lessons on body language had proven more useful than all his other lessons combined.

She couldn’t resist the ticket I’d allowed to dangle suggestively from my pocket, thus proving my suspicions about her correct. My intentions were to have a distraction on the long, eighteen-hour flight to Tahiti. The young woman with a beautiful body hidden beneath the worn clothes would be perfect.

I remembered the shock on her face when I boarded and took the seat right beside her and the amusement was too good to pass up. I pictured her luscious ass squirming in her seat like a naughty girl in need of a spanking.

Of course, had she traveled before, she would’ve known you couldn’t present a ticket without a matching ID. As it was my airline, I’d given instructions for the staff to accept her ticket and allow her to board. Then I purchased the seat directly beside her for myself.

“Earth to Mr. Savage.”

I blinked my eyes, coming back into the present.

“Sorry, Johnathan. What were you saying?”

“I said I received a text from Simone; she had a visit from Antonia today.”

The two ladies were close friends, and I did not consider this newsworthy unless there was more.


“She may have suggested that you check in with her.”

I felt my temper flare. “Unless she has specific news to share, I am not interested in suggestions regarding my fiancée, thank you.”

I was being a dick, and I knew it, but I was already on edge and now with the majority of the merger complete, I wanted to get back to her. “Sorry, that was uncalled for. Did she mention what they got up to today?”

“No, only that Toni came in and she was anxious and upset. I know in the weeks leading up to the trip you were busy pushing hard for this merger and ensuring all was ready for when we arrived in Asia.”

He didn’t have to spell it out. I’d been putting work before Antonia, and she was one lady who couldn’t tolerate being in second place. I knew that about her going into the relationship and relished the fact, even. As a dominant man who liked things his way and also a doting Daddy, Antonia checked off both boxes and then some. But the Daddy aspect of me had been on hiatus for a while and it was time for him to make an appearance. Years of playing with subs and never getting close to having anything stable or long-term had caused me to become removed. It was so habitual I didn’t even notice until someone pointed it out.

Then a little wrecking ball came into my life and called me Daddy as I drilled her with my cock at thirty thousand feet. That was where it began, with Antonia waking up many things inside of me. Until her, I hadn’t realized my personal needs had been lacking. Things between us had been amazing until about a month ago when this merger came up and I threw myself into making it happen. I explained I would be busy until the trip was over, but she continued to hound me about what I considered inconsequential things.

She became brattier by the day until she fell into a full-blown tantrum that I was partially responsible for as it was my job to help her regulate. But instead of acknowledging that, I punished her behavior and had her do corner time with a sore bottom.

She’d come to rely on me for many things and, of late, I’d been so busy I had wanted her to do what she knew she should be doing without me having to make it happen. Instead of helping her, I had expected it of her, and I’d ignored her most basic needs. I sat back and scrubbed my fists down my face.

“I’ve not been attentive lately, not as a fiancé or a Daddy.”

If she was anxious, then she was probably doubting her value as often happened when she was feeling insecure. Maybe she needed school or a career. We had discussed it when we first met, and again when she’d decided to stay with me, but neither of us had mentioned it since. Could that have something to do with her showing up at Simone’s stressed out?

In my heart, I knew that no exterior forces were her problem, but solely landed at my feet. I’d failed her and was to blame. I’d put off discussing Christmas until my return even though she had repeatedly asked me what our plans were. I’d brushed her off every time.

In retrospect, I could see now that everything she did before I left was to get my undivided attention. I’d been too busy and accused her of trying to top from the bottom when the reality was, she was desperate for attention and acting out as a last resort. Only now, with the bulk of the merger behind us, could I see her actions were a cry for help that I’d steadfastly ignored.

To keep her controlled while away, I had left strict instructions to always have her phone with her. Whenever I called, at the assigned time or randomly, to test her obedience, I expected her to answer. Scrolling through my phone history, I could see where I’d failed to provide the correct motivation. How could I expect consistency if I didn’t exhibit the very behavior I demanded of her?

I excused myself and moved to the back of the jet for a private conversation with my brat, but she didn’t pick up, and I couldn’t ignore the prickling sensation that something wasn’t right.

Panic set in as my thoughts strayed to the mafia. The mafia had subjugated Antonia, through no fault of her own, into being a drug mule. I had leverage against them and if they broke their agreement, I could put them away. I liked to believe that was enough to keep their hands off what was mine, but you never knew if they would change their minds and her life would be at risk.

Take a breath Alex and think.I opened the security app and scrolled through the footage for the day. If anything was amiss, I could have hotel security storm the place in a matter of minutes. She’d left the house around three pm with a bottle of wine and two glasses, which matched Simone’s story. But when she hadn’t returned by dark, the dread I’d been feeling intensified, and I was berating myself for my lack in ensuring her safety as my number one priority.

I wanted to toss my phone off the plane when the footage lagged and timed out. Deep breathing and mental praying that she was safe were the only things keeping me from losing my mind as I waited for the internet to catch up and take me through the rest of the feed for the night.

It was almost ten pm when Antonia entered the house. Either she’d had a really long visit with Simone, or she’d gone somewhere else. No other person entered the house while she was gone, and she never left the house again, as confirmed by the security password she punched in after arriving home.

I breathed out a sigh of relief. The footage went far in alleviating my fears in that regard, but it still didn’t solve why she wasn’t answering when I called. I kept hitting redial every minute, knowing that eventually, the ringing would wake her up and absolve my fear that something was wrong.

After a dozen calls, I was about to stalk back down the aisle and have Johnathan send Simone and hotel security over to check on her when my phone beeped. Antonia’s ringtone “DDLG” by PPCocaine poured from my phone.

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