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“There you are.” He pulled the pillow off my face and studied me with such intensity I began to squirm. I knew I was in trouble but hoped he’d at least wait to dish out my punishment until I poured some coffee down my throat.

“You’re looking a little under the weather. How about I go make coffee?”

I held my hand over my mouth, aware that my morning breath was particularly bad and would probably knock him out.

“Yes, please, and water, I’m so thirsty.”

He kissed my forehead before getting off the bed. “I’ll get the water now.” Alex grabbed an empty water glass from the nightstand and moved toward the bathroom.

I remembered the smashed wine bottle. “Wait, D—”

“What the hell happened in here?” Alex came back from the ensuite and ripped the blankets off.

Uh-oh, there was blood all over the sheets.

“Bloody hell,” he cursed. He gingerly lifted my ankle. “What mischief have you been up to that would cause such harm?” His gaze transferred to my face, and I saw the weight in his pointed look.

“I —uh—well.”

He placed my foot gently on the bed. “Don’t bother, little brat, I’ll get your full confession later. For now, I need to get the doctor over here to take a look; you may need stitches.”

I lay back and replaced the pillow over my face to keep out the sunlight.

The doc from the resort arrived in record time. Like all of Alex’s employees, they ran when he snapped, but I believed it was because he was the best boss to work for versus being scary, which he also did very well when needed.

“It’s a deep cut, but see here where the blood has coagulated?”

I couldn’t see the bottom of my foot, but Alex was bent over, looking at where the doctor was pointing.

“Doesn’t that mean it’s already healing?”

“It does. She was lucky, a little deeper and she could have bled to death while she slept.”

Alex gave me an ominous look that I interpreted as a promise of things to come.

Oblivious to the tension between us, the doctor cleansed the wound.

“We’ll do butterfly bandages to knit the skin together and quicken the time for healing, Mr. Savage. I suggest changing them only once per day as the wound is not leaking, but if that changes, call me immediately.”

The doctor sorted out supplies, leaving a stack on the nightstand when he was done. He packed up and Alex escorted him out of the room as I groaned and pulled the pillow back over my head Their voices carried as they descended the staircase—plastic, keep her foot dry—should be finewas all I caught until their voices were too far away to be heard.

With the sound of Alex returning a few minutes later, I uncovered my face to see he was carrying a tray laden with fresh coffee, fruit, baguettes, and two bottles of water. He helped me to sit upright and then unscrewed one of the caps and handed over the bottle.

“If you want coffee, you will drink half of this first.”

I wanted to argue with him, but his eyes had gone so dark I decided I had better curb my rebellious tongue. Despite being hungover, in pain, and in dire need of the coffee, the way he was looking at me did all kinds of crazy to my starved libido. Even now, moisture was pooling between the crevice of my closed thighs.

I kept my eyes on him as I drank half the bottle. Not to be enticing as I’m sure I looked like hell, but because now that he was here and seeming his old self, I couldn’t draw my eyes away. When Alexander Savage was in Daddy mode, his presence demanded my attention. Power and control oozed off him in waves, reminding me yet again, how different we were.

“Good girl.”

He handed me my coffee and continued to watch me with such intensity I found myself blushing as I took a few tentative sips.

“What? If you’re trying to wig me out, it’s working.”

He shifted slightly on the edge of the bed, angling his large, muscled body toward me.

“If that cut had been any deeper, you could have bled to death in your sleep. I’m sure you heard what the doctor said.”
