Page 57 of Captive Mate

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“Who, me?” The fact I continued to attempt to use humor showed how nervous he made me. I made no attempt to move closer, although I did pull my legs as far away from him as possible.

I could tell he was a man with no patience, reaching out after only a few seconds and wrapping his fingers around my wrist. Instead of jerking me against him, he pulled me slowly, allowing me to crawl to him in a dignified manner. He kept his hold as he raked his eyes down my chest. Then he took my free arm with his other hand, placing my fingers on his cock.

The move couldn’t have been any more surprising. I didn’t react at first, but feeling the throbbing against my fingers was too powerful to ignore. I slid several fingers down the side of his cock, another laugh bubbling to the surface from how ribbed his shaft was. There were nubs of various sizes covering it.

All the better to fuck you with, my dear.

Swallowing hard, I sensed goosebumps were starting to pop across every inch of skin, which was another foible I had when I was nervous. My heart continued to race but the sensations became more dazzling, drawing my attention away from being nervous. Even the anxiety started to slide away.

Zatan took a deep breath, holding it as soon as I finally wrapped my hand around the base, stroking up and down lightly. While his breathing was ragged, he remained quiet, never blinking as he watched my actions.

And my growing fascination.

He continued to hold my arm, as if weary of hunting me down, determined to keep me in his presence. While I only had a single hand to use, I did so wisely, pumping him with more vigor, alternating my gaze from his face to his cockhead. My mouth continued to water and when additional drops of golden cream slipped from the long slit, I couldn’t resist, bending over and dragging my tongue across the liquid gold.

“Karanta,” he hissed, which I had a feeling was a curse word or perhaps one of joyous exclamation in his language.

The taste was extraordinary, so sweet that an explosion of sensations rushed into the back of my throat. I was suddenly greedy with my actions, longing to taste more of him. There was no chance at taking the entire thick cock into my mouth, but I would do my best to enjoy every inch possible.

I slathered my tongue around his cockhead then took it into my mouth, using my strong jaw muscles to suck. The nubs tingled my tongue as they had my pussy muscles before. I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment, not even realizing at first that he’d let my other arm go until he’d tangled his fingers in my hair. He was holding me in place, every sound he made providing a sense of how much he was enjoying the moment.

The sound of my licking and sucking permeated the air, finally mixed with very dark growls, so animalistic that I was certain a bear was in my room. I took him down an inch at a time, trying to relax my throat muscles, enjoying the moment more than I’d thought I would. It was almost relaxing, which was utterly impossible to believe.

He pushed my head down, using more control than I’d ever thought he would, and I could feel his leg muscles tensing. I planted one hand on his thigh, no longer surprised at the heat resonating from his skin. How he was able to control the fire-breathing creature living inside of him was beyond me.

As seconds turned into a couple of minutes, I was certain I was going to be rewarded with his full release, allowing me to drink every drop of his sweet cum. But when he pushed me back, breaking the connection, I sensed he refused to come in my mouth just yet. What was I saying? There couldn’t be a next time.

Maybe if I continued to tell myself that, it would come true.

He brushed his fingers over my shoulders and down my arms. Then he lifted me as if I weighed next to nothing, forcing me to straddle his legs. The tip of his throbbing cock was dangerously close to my glistening pussy. I couldn’t believe how hot and wet I was all over, tiny beads of perspiration trickling down the back of my neck.

It was as if he was waiting to see if I’d obey his mental command. The strange connection we shared seemed to be growing stronger, so much so that I didn’t hesitate to slide the tip of his cock against my swollen folds. As he pulled me down, my muscles struggled to accept his wonderfully unique shaft, wrapping around the thickness like a tight vise.

There was no discomfort, no pain of any kind, just beautiful pleasure. I didn’t even realize I’d placed my hands on his shoulders, running both index fingers back and forth across the scales. They were iridescent, so beautiful I was captivated by their design and coloration.

He dug his fingers into my hips, lifting me until only the tip was inside. Then he pulled me down, a smile crossing his face as I was forced to take every inch of him.

“I… Oh, yes.” The moans slipping past my lips were strangled, breathless from the extra sensitivity and rush of emotions. Whatever we were doing meant something to both of us. Or maybe the deep bite that I could no longer feel was the reason behind my longing for him.

Another surge of electricity powered into me, tickling every muscle and heating up every cell, my breathing so irregular I was lost in a sea of fire. Maybe that was the point, my blood heating up to accept what we were sharing.

He kept his firm hold but there was no reason to as I bucked against him, marveling at the way my muscles accepted every inch of him, opening up like a flower in the sunlight he’d talked about. Was it real? Was his world as beautiful as described? Was it possible we were meant to be together?

“Perfect, little human.” His voice was gravelly, pulling me back to reality.

I bucked hard against him, taking shallow breaths. When he lowered his head, I tilted mine. When I pressed my lips against his, he jerked back. Then he sensed what I was doing, capturing my mouth.

I’d been kissed by a few guys in my life, but the way Zatan took his time exploring my lips, enjoying the taste, was so sensuous it was beautiful. When he finally slipped his tongue inside, he took over, dominating my tongue as he forced me to ride him. Seconds later, I knew he was close to coming.

That’s when I squeezed my muscles on purpose, my body quivering from a rush of adrenaline and the roar of another climax. As he erupted deep inside, he threw his head back, releasing a cry that reminded me he was the God of Fire.

As he filled me with his seed, I wondered if what he’d said was the truth. Mates. For life? There were answers I required, ones I was terrified of learning. When he finally lowered his head, his eyes appeared dilated, the look in them so serious I was suddenly fearful.

I was also lightheaded, so much so spots had formed in front of my eyes. This wasn’t good. No, this wasn’t good at all. I rubbed my eyes, flashes of my life rolling in front of my field of vision.

“So you saved my life because I’m your mate? That’s what you’re telling me?”

“Yes, little human. Because you belong to me. I’ve been searching for you for a very long time.”
