Page 85 of Captive Mate

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“Meaning what? Out with it,” I demanded.

“I mean no disrespect to you or your father, but he is a savage.”

“You can speak freely, Grazine. I need answers.”

He studied me for a few seconds then nodded. “Our people are scared of the great king. Terrified. They live in scrutiny, watched constantly. They know if they make a wrong move, they’ll be punished or worse.”

Punished. Yes, my father had strict rules in place much like any other species, but few of our people were ever punished. Or were they? “Go on.”

“They want changes, the ability to make decisions for themselves. They want to travel, to raise families with mates they choose. They long to explore other galaxies, indulging in the same opportunities you and your brothers were provided by birthright. And they don’t want to be imprisoned for minor infractions.”

I turned around, staring at him. My father’s reign had needed to come to an end decades before. “You know why Zican betrayed me.”

“If you’re insinuating that he and I were conspiring together, then you don’t know me or respect my loyalty to you and your family.” There was conviction in his voice and condemnation as well as sadness in his eyes.

“No, I am not, Grazine. I am asking for your assistance.”

He seemed surprised at first then offered another nod of respect. “Your father had Zican’s brother imprisoned for speaking out against the regime. Zican tried to talk with you. You refused.”

I thought about the statement and sighed. “And I was too busy worrying about the quest I’d been sent on.” I fisted my hand, closing my eyes and allowing the pain of losing not only a friend but the woman I… A laugh bubbled to the surface.

“What’s so funny in all of this?” Grazine asked.

“The little human told me that there is such a thing as love within humans.”

“I’ve heard of it, but that is not our way.”

“Is it not really, my brother in arms? Have you not tasted a female that you longed to taste again or hungered in a way that kept you awake at night?”

I could tell he was thinking about what I was saying. “That is love?”

“That is love. When you are unsure whether you can live without that person. Or if you’ll choose to die in order to keep them alive.”

He narrowed his eyes, walking closer. “She is your rightful mate.”

“Yes. At least my father, for all his ridiculous decisions, did something right. He knew what I needed.”

“Perhaps he knew what our planet needed and our people.”

“You’re right. You’ve always provided good advice.”

Grazine’s body stiffened, and he gave me a salute meant for a king. “Then what will you have me do, King Zatan?”

“I’m not king yet, brother in arms. And my friend. I will find her, the human woman I love. Nothing is going to stop me.” The communication from Lieutenant Pakar forced my muscles to tense. “What is it, Lieutenant?”

“Our transport unit has disappeared, engaging the cloaking device, one that I cannot override. Fortunately, our ship is repaired. And you should know that the Tantians are preparing to leave the Earth Station’s orbit. What would you like me to do?” Lieutenant Pakar had the same look of concern as before. But it was obvious he needed direction that only I could give.

“Stand by, Lieutenant. However, maintain battle stations until otherwise advised.”

“Yes, Commander. So you’re aware, Prince Ravat’s ship has set course for interception with ours.”

“Excellent. I will have orders in minutes.” I clicked off the communication and took a deep breath.

“What are you planning?” Now Grazine had a mischievous look on his face.

“To hunt down the transport unit.”

