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I wasn’t getting out of this room alive.

“It was you who tried to kill me earlier, wasn’t it? With the vase?”

Sandhya made a proud little bow.

“Yes, but I missed. I was so mad at you! I mean, how difficult is it to stay still for a minute?”

“I’m so sorry I inconvenienced you. If I had died then, you wouldn’t have had to go to all this trouble, no?”

“Eh, that’s okay. I think this way is much more fun! And safer for me. You see, you’re going Vishal’s way. The poor little rich girl who couldn’t handle her troubles. You’re going to commit suicide just the way he did.”

“But, he didn’t. He was killed. You killed him,” I pointed out.

“I did! Just like I’m going to kill you,” she said cheerfully. “Well, almost like I killed him. We don’t have time to drug you and wait for you to pass out. I’ll just inject you with a shitload of insulin since it acts much faster. It helps that you haven’t eaten anything all day. Good girl,” she said approvingly.

“That’s what you were getting when you went to pick up some biryani? Insulin and those other things?”

How could I have been so stupid? I had trusted her so easily. I thought Sandhya was my friend, and I missed seeing the hatred and resentment simmering under her friendly facade.

“Yes. My lovely bag of tricks. First, we’re going to put you to sleep with some insulin. And then I’m going to tie that saree around your neck and string you up. You’ll be dead by the time your friends arrive. Good job fighting with DV, though! Nicely done! I couldn’t have done a better job of destroying your relationship if I had done it myself.”

“Is that what you wanted to do?”

Sandhya grinned at me as she went over to the coffee table.

“I wanted to destroy everything that brought you joy,” she said. “Your love, your money, your friends. And now I’m going to destroy your very existence.”

She pulled the cap off the syringe and I could feel the room spinning around me again. I took a deep breath and fought off the blackness that crept over my vision. I was stronger than this.

“Aren’t you going to beg for your life?” she asked, as she came closer with the syringe in her hand.

“Will it work?”

She shook her head.

“Nah. I’m still going to kill you.”

“Then, no, thank you. You can do your fucking worst,” I said defiantly.



Ileaned on the horn, hoping the crowd would magically part and let me pass. But they couldn’t even hear me over their music.

My phone rang, and I willed it to be Tasha. It was Imran.

“Boss, bad news. I’ve been tracking that phone. It is now inside Tasha’s cottage.”

My blood ran cold when I heard that.

Was there anything we could do? The police, Samar’s team and I were all still at least a good twenty minutes away from the commune, and a lot could happen in that time. The security guards of the commune were almost useless. They wouldn’t be able to fight off a killer.

I first called Tasha to warn her. But she didn’t answer her phone. I prayed that was because she still thought I tried to kill her, and not because she couldn’t get to her phone.

Then, I remembered that Sandhya had gone home with her. I tried her number too, but she didn’t pick up, either.Shit!I hoped the killer hadn’t hurt her to get to Tasha.

In desperation, I called Freddy.
