Page 87 of Nick

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We pass out the drinks and snacks, and I make sure I go to Cara and Declan. Her face is guarded, but I don't let it phase me. I hand her a Dr. Pepper and some chips, then lean down and kiss her on the cheek. "We love each other Cara. Be happy for us."

Her eyes are wet when I pull back. I smile at her, then turn to Declan and give him one of the energy drinks that make my heart race. "Here. I love you too." I raise my brows and lean in closer so Cara doesn't hear us. "And you know as well as I do that you have no call to be mad at us. Right?" The man basically begged Nick to take me. Declan's wide eyes and slow swallow make it clear he knows exactly what I'm talking about. He nods, darting looks at Cara out of the side of his eye.

"Any updates?" I ask cheerily. Declan looks lost, but Cara answers.

"Holly's pushing. Hopefully not too long now."

"Oh wow! That is fast."

Not wanting to push my luck, I leave with a smile, heading back across the room to claim the seat I was in before. I nearly trip on the leg of a chair when I spot Wes coming down the hallway opposite the one Holly's in, and fall heavily into a chair not too far from where I'm standing. He doesn't look up, just rakes his hand through his hair, leaving it standing straight up, looking sort of like an electrocuted Santa.

I glance over at Nick, who's still handing out drinks to his brothers and, by the looks of it, talking about feelings. If he can smooth things over, I'm not going to interrupt him. Though I know those boys will all need to get together and unpack the day.

More than likely, there will be alcohol involved.

I cross over to Wes and take the seat next to him. He looks over at me, and tears fill his eyes. My heart drops. I think about Wes and his wife a lot. More than I should, considering he's just a client, and I don't really know him. But I can't help it. The love this man has for his wife is something that both reassures me and scares me. Losing someone who carries so much of your heart is terrifying.

But I still want it.

"What's happening?" I ask, taking his hand.

Wes lets out a shuddering breath. "They're moving my Lizzie up here. They're bringing in specialists to look at her. They're calling doctors in other cities." He spreads his hands, looking lost. "They're going to do everything they can for her."

"That's amazing. Isn't it?" It sounds amazing, but I can't quite figure out why he's crying. Blame it on the stress of the day, or the excitement, I don't know. But I don't clue in.

He snorts. "It's expensive, is what it is. Lizzie's hospital bill is over a million dollars already." He looks off into the waiting room, shaking his head. "But apparently, I don't need to worry about that. About any of it. Or anything else she needs moving forward."

I slow blink at him, 'a million dollars' ringing through my head. "I don't understand."

He sniffs, a slow smile dawning as he squeezes my hand. "I didn't either. But apparently, that fancy woman your man brought back runs this side of the hospital. And she explained that my bills have been paid, and any costs we rack up moving forward are covered."

"Covered by who?" I ask, though I think I know the answer. Wes's finger rises, and points toward the corner of the room at Nick, who's holding Mia, swaying, as she busies herself settling her little crown on his head. A little smile plays on his lips, and he looks like he's happy to stand there all night with her.

"Your man right there. He paid for everything." Wes's voice turns shaky. "This isn't some sort of joke, is it? They're not going to tell me they made a mistake and kick us out of here, are they?"

My own voice is shaky. "No Wes. They're not. Nick has money. Lots of money. Like, oil baron kind of money. If he's covering your bills, then you really are covered. You don't have to worry about anything but helping Lizzie get better."

"Why would he do that?" Wes asks, looking dazed. "He don't know me. He talked to me for a minute."

Why would Nick throw millions of dollars at an old man and his sick wife? The simple answer is he's a good man, and he has the money to spend. But I know, to the depths of my core, that the reason is bigger than that.

"Because I know you. And I care about you. And he loves me."

Wes stares at me, dumbfounded. I know exactly how he feels. But the answer really is as simple and complex as that. He clears his throat. "You hang onto that kid, you hear me?"

"Yes sir," I tell him. "I've got plans for him. It'll take me a good sixty years to get through them all."

Wes chuckles and leans in closer. "You got a man like that on the hook. You treat him right. Fight with him, go toe to toe with him when he needs straightening out. Turn his house into a home, and I promise you, he'll bless you with everything he has."

"I can do that," I croak.

"Good," he says on a long exhale, looking lighter than I've ever seen him. The administrator rounds the corner waving at Wes, and he jumps to his feet, plants a quick kiss on the top of my head, and hurries down the hall after her, straight to his Lizzie.

I stay in the chair, looking at Nick. He's still playing with Mia, playfully bobbing his head to make the crown slip over his face. Mia breaks into peals of laughter and Nick's low chuckles blend with hers. She reaches up to adjust it, and he nibbles at her arms, tickling her. She scolds him, waving her little finger in his face. He tries to look chastened, but the pure joy on his face is impossible to hide.

He is a good, good man. The best. Not just because he's generous, but because he loves deeply. His commitment to his family, to the people he loves, is absolute.

And I'm one of them.
