Page 52 of Tainted King

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Waking up next to Liam was surreal. I’d never felt safer than when I was cocooned in his warmth. I wanted to stay like this forever and forget the rest of the world even existed.

His head was resting on my stomach, his arms around my body, holding me close. He pushed himself up, tracing a line up my chest with his fingertip, circling each of my nipples until they stood to attention.

He ran his lips over my stomach. “Good morning,astéri mou.”

Sleepy Liam was irresistible. His raspy voice and stubbled jaw against my stomach when he talked caused goose bumps to break out on my body.

“You hungry?” he asked. “We missed dinner last night.”

As I ran my hand through the soft strands of his hair, the realization hit me that I would give up everything for this man. Ignoring the tightness in my chest, I smiled at him. “I could eat.”

Liam pressed a kiss to my lips. “I brought food with me. It’s in the fridge.”

He kissed me again, and I sank into the mattress. “Maybe we can eat a little later. There’s no rush.”

He smirked at me and pressed his lips to mine again in a soft caress. This time his tongue traced the seam of my lips, demanding entry. Which I only too eagerly gave.

His kisses were slow and soft, his usual urgency gone. Every time he touched me, I felt cherished, each caress a whisper against my skin. This wasn’t a simple hookup anymore. The thought took hold of my heart, squeezing tight.

It made me believe we had a future together, that he wanted us to happen as much as I did.

My whole body was flushed in pleasure at Liam’s attention, my muscles relaxed. I gave myself over to the sensations his every touch and kiss coaxed from me.

His lips traveled down over my collarbone, then my breasts, paying special attention to each nipple.

“I wanted to go slow this morning, but I’m afraid I’m going to embarrass myself if I don’t get inside you.”

The crinkle of foil sounded, and then his hands brushed down my waist to my leg, pulling it up and around his hip, then doing the same to the other.

My laugh came out husky. “I have absolutely no objections.”

I barely got out the last word before he surged inside and I couldn’t talk anymore. The only sounds coming from my lips were incoherent babble and moans.

Liam sat up, taking me with him, keeping me connected to him the whole time. We ended up with him kneeling on the bed, me straddling his lap. The changed position meant he slid in farther, pushing me to the brink even faster.

Our mouths clashed, our movements less of the gentle caress of only minutes before and more of a desperation to get as close as possible.

Liam became my whole world in that moment, the only thing on my mind, the only thing that mattered. And when I shattered on a choked cry, I didn’t think I would ever be able to separate sex and emotions again.

Because now that I knew what it was like being with someone I felt as much for as Liam, anyone who came before looked dull and gray.

With a loud roar, Liam followed me over, and we collapsed to the bed on our sides, still connected.

Holding my hand, he placed a kiss on the back before bringing it to his chest. We lay in comfortable silence until the grumbling of my stomach forced us to move.

Liam released my hand, then lightly smacked my butt. “Let’s take a shower so I can feed you.”

The shower took longer than any I’d ever taken before, but running soapy hands all over Liam’s body was too much fun to cut short. And since he seemed to feel the same way when it was his turn, it took us nearly an hour before we went downstairs.

Liam held my hand the whole way. Right then I would have followed him anywhere.

Stepping into the light kitchen, I took in the grandeur surrounding me. This was their beach house, yet it was nicer and much bigger than any place I’d ever lived in.

Lost in thought, I squeaked in surprise when Liam lifted me and placed me on the kitchen counter.

His hair was still wet, he was only wearing sweatpants and a white T-shirt that was tight in all the right places. His feet were bare, his expression relaxed. I’d never seen him more at ease. In fact, yesterday was the first time I’d seen him in anything other than a suit.
