Page 53 of Tainted King

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“You sure you know what you’re doing?” I couldn’t help but ask with a smirk.

Waving a spatula at me, he pulled eggs and bacon out of the fridge. “I don’t know how to cook much, but breakfast has always been my favorite meal. And frying up eggs and bacon isn’t that hard to figure out.”

“I’ll make us pancakes tomorrow.”

He brushed a kiss against my cheek. “That sounds perfect.”

Something as simple as watching Liam cook sent happy tingles all through my body. When the lady asked us yesterday if we were there for our honeymoon, the longing that crashed into me was overwhelming. Because I wanted to tie myself to Liam in every way.

The thought of us being on our honeymoon felt amazing. I’d tensed at the café, worried Liam would be offended at the question.

But when he answered her lightly, not seeming put off, I relaxed. The thought was crazy, since we’d only just started whatever this was. I was getting way ahead of myself. But when it came to Liam, I couldn’t help but plan our future together.

* * *

“Do we really have to go back? My plane isn’t leaving until tomorrow.”

Liam traced my lips with his finger. “I don’t want to leave either. But Gabriel said there was an issue that needed my attention.”

“Can’t they take care of it themselves?”

We’d spent yesterday mostly in bed, only venturing outside for a walk along the beach. Which ended up with me getting sand stuck in uncomfortable places.

Waking up a second morning next to Liam had been indescribable. He was my perfect match in all things. I’d never been able to just be. To talk to someone about everything and nothing. To find such bliss with another person.

But this morning Liam’s phone had rung nonstop for about an hour until he eventually picked up. Apparently, he was needed. So instead of being in bed as originally planned, we were getting ready to drive back to Chicago now, not tonight.

“I’ll make it up to you. Promise.” Placing a chaste kiss to my lips, he grabbed our bags and walked out.

Taking one last, longing look around his room, I followed, wondering if I’d get a chance to come back.

“Do you want me to empty the fridge?” I asked when we walked past the kitchen.

“No need. The cleaner will take care of everything.”

He put the bags in the car, then came around to my still-open door and leaned in. “Whatever happens, I hope you’ll never regret coming out here with me.”

Taking his face in my hands, I pressed a kiss to his lips. “There’s no way I could ever regret the time we’ve spent together.”

A pained expression stole over his face, there and gone too quickly for me to figure out what it meant. He touched his lips to mine one last time, and then we left our getaway in the rearview mirror.

This time we didn’t stop anywhere, except for one quick bathroom break. The city seemed too loud after the serenity of the beach. Our time there already felt like a dream.

“I’m so sorry, but I don’t have time to drop you at my apartment first. I have to go straight to our head office. Are you okay hanging out there? I have a TV, a minibar, and couch in my office, which hopefully will keep you busy while I deal with business.”

Squeezing the hand he had on my knee, I turned to him. “No problem at all. I’m sure I can find something to keep myself busy.”

“If it takes too long, I’ll get someone to take you to my place.”

“Whatever is easiest. Don’t worry about me.”

“I’ll always worry about you.”

His tone sounded regretful, but I didn’t want to read too much into it. Our drive back to the city had been much more somber than our drive up. We’d barely talked, Liam concentrating on driving.

But he’d touched me the whole time, either with a hand on my knee or holding my hand in his.

We parked in an underground garage that held more expensive cars in one place than I’d ever seen before in my life. Shutting off the engine, Liam turned to me. “You sure you’re okay coming up with me?”
