Page 72 of Tainted King

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The water was hot enough to turn my skin red, relaxing my tense muscles.

Allowing myself to soak for ten minutes, I scrubbed the dirt off my body. My hair was a challenge to clean, as I had a lot of it, and what I had was stubborn. And doing everything one-handed was an added challenge. But at least I managed to keep my bandage dry.

After finally rinsing most of my shampoo out, I half-heartedly added conditioner, leaving half of it in. It might help control the frizz. Or make my hair greasy. Could go either way, but I didn’t care. My hair was the least of my worries right now.

I emerged from the bathroom scrubbed clean and smelling like the lavender Freya had added to the water. She’d set out sweatpants and a sweater for me. They were a few sizes too big, and when I lifted the sweater, Liam’s scent caressed my senses.

I wanted to sink my face into it, the comfort I knew it would bring almost enough to give in. I settled for pulling the garments on instead. Cocooned in their warmth, I padded out to the living room.

Liam was standing with an older man, deep in conversation. Freya was throwing cupboards open only to slam them closed again. “Where do you keep your mugs?”

Liam looked up to reply but instead noticed me standing in the entrance to the hallway.

“Cupboard over the sink,” he answered, never looking away from me as he started moving in my direction.

His arm came around me, and he guided me to the couch before I had a chance to protest. “Quinn, this is Dr. Grasser.”

Managing an unenthusiastic smile, I nodded at him. “Hi.”

“Hello, Miss Lombardo. I heard you had quite the night. Let’s take a look at you, shall we?” He looked innocent enough with his round glasses and white mustache. “Do you want to go back to the bedroom, or do you prefer to stay here while I examine you?”

I sat down with Liam’s help. “Here’s fine.”

The doctor’s movements were clinical and efficient. After prodding all my limbs, he declared nothing broken. “I have to stitch your arm. You’ll feel a few pinches where I inject the anesthetic, but otherwise, it’ll just be a slight tugging sensation.”

He retrieved a syringe and filled it, then injected small doses along my cut. Liam held my hand, absorbing my every flinch. I didn’t think I would have gotten through it without him.

Freya paced the length of his living room, gesticulating with her hands and cursing the guys who took me.

Liam leaned his forehead to mine, and I closed my eyes, allowing myself to feel the comfort his touch brought. “You’re doing so well,” he murmured.

I took a shuddering inhale, overwhelmed. He was acting like I’d never found the marriage contract. Like we were still together. But any chance of a future together had ended in his office.

Oh God, does he want to keep me as his mistress? Or a casual hookup? Or is his guilt driving him to be here right now?

Liam pulled back, and I opened my eyes, looking into his that were now almost black, their usual glow dimmed. He glanced to the side and then back at me. “He’s almost done. Only a few more stitches to go.”

The doctor eventually finished up and bandaged my arm. “Leave the bandage on for three days, then get it changed. I can come back, or you can visit your local doctor.”

I nodded, clearing my throat to speak past the lump that had formed there. “Thank you.”

I wouldn’t be going back to him, since I’d be in San Francisco. But there was no need to inform anyone of my plans.

He packed up, giving me instructions to keep my arm still and not lift anything heavy. I declined his offer of a sling.

Liam placed a kiss on my forehead. “I’ll be right back.”

He walked the doctor out, their voices fading until the front door closed.

Freya dropped down beside me. “You hungry?”

“Not at the moment. But I’d love a cup of tea.” My voice sounded foreign, my swollen tongue making it hard to get the words out.

“I’ll get you painkillers as well. Do you want peppermint? Chamomile? Or if you want something else, I’ll go out and get it. Liam doesn’t have many options.”

I held up one finger, and she nodded. “Peppermint it is. Be right back.”

Freya raced to the kitchen. As soon as she walked out, Liam took her place, pulling me into his side, ignoring my stiff body. “How are you feeling?”
