Page 73 of Tainted King

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Shrugging, I didn’t answer, having used up all my words for the moment. And if I talked to him, I’d ask him why he lied to me. This was the wrong time and place to bring it up.

We sat in silence, Liam tracing circles on my shoulder, placing the occasional kiss on my hair.

When Freya came back with the tea, I gratefully took the cup, using it as a chance to sit up and put distance between myself and Liam. I was at my limit.

“I put honey in it as well to help with your throat. The doctor said you have to drink lots of water over the next twenty-four hours.” She held up a full water bottle, then set it down on the coffee table. “For later.” She looked lost for words, standing in front of me with a tentative smile. “You want to watch TV?”

I lowered my cup, shaking my head. “I just want to sleep.”

“You want company?” Liam murmured in my hair.

Stiffening at his words and nearness, I leaned away from him. “If Freya doesn’t mind….”

She nodded, her hair flipping up and down at the erratic movement. “Of course I’ll stay with you.” Holding out her hand to help me up, she grabbed the water bottle again. “Better take this.”

Not looking back at Liam, I followed Freya to the guest room. She helped me into bed, then pulled the covers over me before getting in on the other side. “Let me know if you need anything.”

I murmured in agreement, and despite the fear of what I’d find once I closed my eyes, I was asleep a few seconds later.

* * *

I woke up with a gasp, my T-shirt soaked through and my breathing coming out in short bursts. My body trembled from the nightmare. I’d been back in the cellar, and the guy with the mask had been cutting me.

He took his mask off to reveal Liam.

I had to get out of here. There was no way I could spend more time this close to Liam.

Swinging my legs over the side, I padded to the bathroom and splashed water on my face. I’d made sure to close the door so I wouldn’t wake Freya.

What I needed was a plan. I knew I couldn’t leave without backup. I needed Gunner to help me again.

He’d given me his phone number, in case of an emergency. Since I doubted I’d survive even another minute in Liam’s presence, I considered this an emergency. I tapped on his name, and the phone rang twice before his voice came on the line.

“Quinn, what’s wrong?” He sounded wide-awake, despite it being one in the morning.

“I need your help.”

“Did something happen?” There was a pause, and then his voice lowered. “Is Freya okay?”

“She’s fine. Sleeping soundly. But I need someone to get me back to San Francisco.”

He sighed. “Have you talked to Liam?”

I faltered but knew this was the best thing to do. The only thing, really. “No. Because it’s none of his business what I do or where I go. Now, you can either send someone to Liam’s apartment, or I’m going by myself.”

“Fine. Someone will be outside in twenty minutes.”

“Thank you.”

Hanging up, I went in search of more clothes. There was nothing but towels in the bathroom, and I ventured out.

When I opened the door, I gasped and tripped at the sight of Freya, arms crossed, face distorted in a scowl. “Well, well, aren’t you a little Judas.”

“Don’t be so dramatic.” I was breathless, my heart still beating too fast. “And tell Gunner that’s the last time I’ll ask him for help.”

“If you wanted to leave, you could have told me.”

Twisting my hands in the hem of my T-shirt, I studied my chipped nail polish. “I wasn’t sure if you’d let me go without telling Liam.”
