Page 78 of Tainted King

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She might have phrased it as a statement, but it wasn’t. Groaning, I knew there was no escaping this. But Liam had only himself to blame for what was about to happen next.

He had not only broken into my apartment, but he’d also announced to my mother that we were together. She’d be planning our wedding as soon as she walked out, her encyclopedia-sized binder full of wedding inspirations always handy.

“That sounds perfect,” Liam responded. “We’ll be there.”

Mom clapped her hands, looking giddy. “Everything will be ready in ten minutes.”

She gave me a look that meant “You better be there in five or there won’t be any cornetti for you.” Mom always made her own bread and pastries. And her cornetti were the best I’d ever tasted. No matter how often she’d shared the recipe with me, I could never quite get them as fluffy as she did. And when she was in a particularly good mood, she put vanilla cream inside that melted on your tongue.

After shooting one last glance at Liam, her eyes twinkling in delight, she left.

Getting out of bed, I pulled flowy pants and a sweater from my closet. No time to waste. “You do realize you just pretty much signed another marriage contract?”

Liam’s warmth hit my back, and then his arms wound around me and pulled me into his body. I came willingly, my body craving his. “And what’s the problem with that exactly?”

Turning my head to judge if he was joking or not, since his deadpan tone gave nothing away, I shook my head. “You’re crazy. You didn’t get out of a marriage contract only to get into another.”

“I have no issues with signing another contract if it’s you I’m going to be bound to.”

Stepping back, I took in his expression. Nothing hinted at him joking. He looked as serious as if he was making a business deal. My heart fluttered in my chest, reminding me how much I needed him to mean it.

Leaning down, he kissed me, a gentle caress, before stepping back. “Better get ready if we don’t want to be late.”

Biting down on my lip, I nodded, wondering what the hell was going on. Padding to the bathroom off the kitchen, I digested his words.Does that mean he wants to marry me?

I didn’t remember getting dressed, but the cold water I splashed on my face snapped me back to reality. When I stepped back into the living room, a now-dressed Liam was leaning against my small kitchen island, typing on his phone.

Looking up as soon as I entered, he grinned, and my knees wobbled. That smile would get him everywhere.

He placed his lips on mine as he walked past, and I sighed into his kiss. Pulling back, he winked at me. “Be right back.”

I stood frozen in the same spot, the taste of him lingering on my lips. I didn’t think you could miss anyone as much as I did him. But he’d made himself a place in my heart, and I hoped he wouldn’t damage it again. I wasn’t sure I’d survive a second time.

Coming back out of the bathroom, he took my hand as if we went to breakfast with my family all the time. “Let’s go.”

Liam was someone who took charge. It was evident in his every word, every action. I’d never introduced anyone to my family, but despite all that had happened between us, walking into my parents’ kitchen together felt right.

“Mr. Lombardo, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Liam greeted my dad, shaking his hand. Liam was a broody bastard most days, but if he wanted to charm someone, he had no problem doing so.

My dad beamed at him, and I wondered what Mom had told him. “The pleasure is all mine.”

Dad immediately went into baseball talk, something I’d never seen Liam watch. But he responded like he watched every game, and they entered a heated debate.

I joined Mom in the kitchen, eager to earn some extra points and help out. When I got home yesterday, my parents had been beside themselves, despite me calling them from Chicago and reassuring them all was well.

Mom hadn’t wanted me to sleep in my old apartment. Her worry was also why she’d shown up this morning unannounced.

But I’d needed space, and the thought of squeezing into my parents’ small guest bedroom had not helped my rapidly declining mood. In the end, I’d won but had promised to have one of Gunner’s guys watching me inside and one on the street.

“What can I do to help?” I asked, kissing Mom’s cheek.

She opened the oven door, and hot air billowed out, carrying the delicious smell of cornetti with it. “Everything except the table is done.”

I went to the cupboard and pulled out four plates.

“We’ll need seven. Vlad and his wife and Amara are joining us for breakfast,” Mom instructed.

“What do you mean? Are they in Ferguson?” I asked, cold sweat breaking out all over my body at the thought of seeing everyone.
