Page 79 of Tainted King

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Mom looked at me as if I’d asked her to buy bread from the supermarket. “They came up as soon as they heard you’re back. They all love you and want to make sure you’re okay. Now stop looking at me like I’m planning your execution.”

Liam appeared behind me, taking the plates out of my hand. “Let me help.”

Adding three extra plates, I pointed to the dining table. “We’re eating in there.”

Setting out the plates, Liam frowned. “Are we expecting others?”

I added the cutlery, letting a sigh escape. “Vlad and his wife and myziaAmara are coming as well.”

“And why do you look like that’s a bad thing?”

Grabbing mugs and passing them over to Liam, I set out the glasses. “That’s because it is. They’ll be relentless. And they also don’t know we’re back together yet. Or that you’re not engaged anymore.”

My mom squeaked, and I realized what I’d said. “It’s complicated,Mamia,” I said, wanting her to like Liam. “He didn’t even know his fiancée.”

Another squeak told me that might not have been the right thing to say to redeem Liam’s actions in the eyes of my mom.

“Arranged marriage is normal where Liam comes from.”

The doorbell saved me from digging Liam’s hole any deeper. He joined me in the kitchen, putting his arm around me. Melting into him, I buried my head in his chest. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know why I said that.”

“I can’t make her like me. And you only told the truth. It’s up to her to decide if she’s okay with it or if she’ll hate me for all eternity.”

Chuckling, I tilted my head back, and he dipped down, kissing me with infinite care and longing in his eyes.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Vlad’s voice boomed through the kitchen, followed by his thundering footsteps. “What the hell is he doing here? And why are you kissing him? Have the drugs from your kidnapping not worn off yet? Or maybe you hit your head? Because they’re the only reasonable explanations I can think of as to why you’re this close to the dipshit.”

“Vlad, I can explain.”

“I’ve heard that before,” he grumbled, ready to yell some more. A small hand on his arm stopped him. Tati appeared with a frown on her face, shooting Vlad a look that made him shut up.

“Why don’t you let them explain before you yell.” Her voice was much lower than his and had a musical quality to it.

“Fine,” he said. “But it better be a good explanation, or I’m throwing his ass right out the door.”

Tati came over to hug me. “I’m so glad you’re okay. I hope those bastards rot in hell.” She glanced at my bandage, her brows drawn together. “How is your arm?”

Giggling, I hugged her back. “It’s fine. Barely hurts anymore.”

Amara hustled in next, and Tati passed me over to the comforting embrace of my aunt. “I was so worried about you. And your poor arm. I hope someone makes them pay for what they did to you.”

Pulling back, I smiled at her. “I’m fine. Promise.” And I realized that, as surprising as it may be, I was. “Why don’t we all sit down, and then I’ll tell you what happened.”

“I already know what happened. You’ve lost your mind,” Vlad boomed, then stomped to the kitchen table, dropping into a chair that seemed entirely unprepared to hold his weight. The wood groaned, and we all held our breaths, waiting for the inevitable.

But despite dwarfing the chair, it seemed to hold. We all released a collective sigh and took our seats around the table.

Liam was next to me and shuffled close, putting an arm around the back of my chair. Vlad glared at him but didn’t make a comment.

I piled three cornetti—which I was ecstatic to find out were filled with vanilla cream—onto my plate, not needing anything else.

Liam’s plate was filled with eggs, bacon, and one lonely cornetto.

Fixing me with a stare, Vlad pointed his fork at me. “Talk.”

“Can’t I eat first?” I stalled, wanting to delay more drama. “Besides, you probably know more about what happened than I do.” I pointedly looked at him, but he didn’t seem to care.

“You can eat and talk,” Vlad insisted. “Let’s start with why I’m currently having breakfast with a lying asshole.”
