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And it’s like paradise.

I don’t see it immediately, this spectacle that truly captivates all my senses. The moment I step through the door, though, it’s like I’m embarking on an enchanting journey. It’s strange, almost magical. A sense of anticipation ripples through the air. The light beyond the door is dim but I feel a cool, refreshing breeze softly caressing my skin. I realize I’m in the mountain. The aroma of damp earth and minerals engulfs my senses, as if whispering ancient tales of the underground world.

Yeah, I know. Overly dramatic. Overly descriptive. Sorry, that’s how it feels, okay?

I feel Drake’s arm slip into mine and we walk. The echoes of dripping water punctuate the silence, gradually growing louder with each step. The dim light is maddening, heightening the anticipation. And then, like a magical unveiling we step onto a passageway encircling an enormous cavern. A stunning cascade of light directs my gaze toward the breathtaking sight of a waterfall shimmering in a green and red glow. The magnificent waterfall plummets from the ceiling, at least a two-hundred-foot drop, creating a mesmerizing dance of shimmering droplets that glisten and sparkle in the light, wherever it’s coming from. It's a sight that leaves me awestruck, my breath stolen away by the sheer beauty and wonder.

As I stand in awe, listening to the roar of the falls, a rhythmic thump resonates through the cavern. The vibrations move beneath my feet, making themselves known within my body. This tactile sensation adds another layer to the experience, making it feel real and tangible. I can almost feel the power and force of the water as it crashes down, carving its way through the rock over millions of years. The taste of awe lingers on my tongue as I stare. It's a taste of pure marvel, reminding me of the extraordinary forces that shape our planet. The experience of witnessing this hidden gem stimulates all my senses simultaneously, overwhelming me with a sensory symphony that leaves an indelible imprint on my soul.


I know.

I know I’m being so damned over-the-top that you must think I’m silly, some stupid obsessed and overly important schoolgirl. I have to tell you, though, standing on the stone about a hundred feet above the floor of the cavern and looking at this waterfall start a hundred feet above me and end a hundred feet below…

Well, it’s like immersing myself in a world that doesn’t exist. It's an ethereal journey where my senses converge, transporting me somewhere. This is the kind of thing you only see in fantasy movies or, I guess, sci-fi movies with beautiful planets.

“There is my house,” Drake says. He has one hand on the small of my back now. The other points and I gap again. Nestled against one side of the cavern stands a majestic architectural wonder. As I stare at the sprawling estate, I try to wrap my head around this. The house—no, it’s like a mansion but the kind that kings live in, not the kind that ordinary people… Damn. The building is magnificent.

He directs me with his hand and we walk until I find myself in front of a long staircase. The slope is gentle, though. As we walk, I’m astounded. This mansion stands four stories high, constructed with what I think is a Victorian architectural style but I don’t really know anything about architecture. The mansion emanates a sense of regality and opulence. Its red brick exterior, punctuated by stunning limestone and intricate woodwork, creates a striking contrast against the imposing stone of the cavern. I have no idea where the light comes from but it illuminates everything like green and red rays of sunlight. The glow seems to emphasize every detail, making it almost come alive.

My gaze then drifts towards the magnificent gardens that surround the mansion. From afar, the meticulously maintained landscape unveils a cornucopia of colors. Vibrant flower beds with tulips, daffodils, and roses that shouldn’t be able to grow here underground. There are statues, fountains. The entire place is…

It’s impossible!

“How did…” I can’t finish. I can only keep my eyes on him. “This is… it’s not even possible, Drake,” I finally manage when we reach the foot of the staircase and I stand at the beginning of the manicured lawn that shouldn’t even exist. I turn and look at him. “You’re not just rich. I mean, you’re not just super-rich. This is… This…”

He says, “Would you like to live here?”

“Of course I want to live here!” I say, irritation pretty strong in my voice, “but this makes no sense.” I take two steps into the lawn and pull up a handful of grass. I’m surprised that it comes up. “It’s real,” I say. “It’s… it’s real.”

“Yes it is,” he says.

“You built all this?”

“The falls have been here long before me but I built the house and arranged the gardens. I carved the path and also drove through the mountain for vents.”

“But how? It must… it would be more money than even fucking exists!”

“I am not just a man, Sienna,” he says.

“Drake,” I say, “Now isn’t the time to be funny! I… I can’t understand any of this.”

“I’m not being funny,” he says. “I’m being honest. I am more than a man. You know that I cannot harm you, right? It is not in my nature. My very being would not allow it.”

“Why are you saying that?”

“I will show you but I need to know that you understand I will not hurt you.”

He’s serious. This isn’t playful at all.

“I trust you,” I say.

And he disappears.


And what I see instead is even more impossible than the cavern itself.

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