Page 103 of Vincenzo

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“I will be right back.”

“Nyla, no!” Carter tried to reach for me, and the gunman hit him over the head.

“Stop! Leave him alone. I can handle it, Carter. Just stop hitting him,” I pleaded with the gunman.

Carter safe, Gianney had his men pulling a gun out on my guards, which would cause more attention than we needed.

I shoved the door open, leaving my phone and purse, walking slowly down the street to meet Gianney. Dropping the cigarette, he held both arms open, I leaned forward returning his hug.

“Nyla, it has been a while,” Gianney said.

“I would say I missed you, Gianney, but you have a weird way of showing your feelings.”

“Sorry, I had to make sure we weren’t coming into a trap.”

“My friend is in that car, tell your men to fall back.”

“Can't do that.”

“Gianney, explain to me what you want.”

Gianney flickered a crimpling glower at me like I was behind all of his problems. “Cono was kidnapped, did you know?”


What I would never do was let Gianney cause me to doubt my husband or show weakness that he could use against our marriage.

“By your husband.”

“I know and he promised not to hurt him.”

“Well before he made that promise, a few of my men grabbed him.”

Bile pooled at my throat. “Cono is hiding with you?”

Gianney hit me with a bladed stare. “Yes, he wants to see you.”

“I’ve tried to see him. But he keeps dodging me.” Holding all of my family secrets to blackmail me and Vincenzo shows Cono only cares about himself.

Gianney pushed his hand out to touch my arm, and I jerked back.

“You have no real protection out here besides me, Nyla.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Cono tell you about your family?”

“Yes, I’m adopted.”

“Did he tell you who your real father is?”

“No, did he tell you?”

“Look, Mark and Cono kept a lot of shit from you.”

“Just tell me the truth.”

Gianney stepped close to me. “Greco. Does that name mean anything to you?”
