Page 29 of Hot to the Touch

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“I got you,” his voice rumbled as he reached down and scooped Chelsea into his arms. She kept her sight focused on Kaitlyn, who followed them, clutching the clothes that clung to the man. She buried her nose into his chest and sucked in a breath, exhaling the resulting cough with a vengeance. The scent told her all she needed to know, though.

Redmond carried her through the burning house, facing his fear for the sake of her and Kaitlyn.

She sobbed into his chest as they exited the house, and fresh air filled her lungs. She sucked it in greedily, coughing on each exhale. Redmond didn’t release her, even as they sat on the furthest part of the lawn, surrounded by newly arrived firemen and an ambulance. The paramedics came to her side, but Redmond’s arm didn’t release her as she regained the center of her vision.

Kaitlyn sat leaned against her dad, holding the plant in her lap as she cried silently. Chelsea eyed the damned plant, wondering why it was important enough to nearly die for, but she didn’t put a voice to her frustration. She knew that Kaitlyn hadn’t thought past the significance of the plant to her, and she certainly hadn’t considered the repercussions.

“I’m here,” Redmond continued whispering in her ear. When his words finally registered, she clutched his shirt with more strength. “I’m here,” he repeated.

“I know,” Chelsea whispered into his chest. Her voice rasped from smoke inhalation, but she survived. They’d all survived. Chelsea craned her neck to see the police car that had trapped the man, and she furrowed her brows, pointing her finger. “Who?”

Redmond’s eyes blazed, and Chelsea hacked against his chest. “Dale Hartfield. The man who…”

“I know the name,” Chelsea stopped him, pushing herself closer to his body, though she’d already been half sprawled across him.

“He did this.” His anger encompassed his tone.

Chelsea shook her head, lifting her hand and pressing it against his cheek. “He’s not going to get back out of prison after this, Red,” she swore. He nodded slowly, tightening his grip around her. “You saved me again.”

He loosened at her words, nodding, but not speaking.

“You faced your fear and got us out of there. You’re a hero.”

She could see in his eyes that he didn’t entirely agree, but he lowered his mouth and placed a firm kiss on her mouth. Kaitlyn snuggled her way beside Redmond and Chelsea, looking guilty from her decision, but Chelsea couldn’t be upset. Not when the man she loved, and his daughter were alive and safe at last.


Redmond sat at a picnic table, clutching Jaquelin and Kellen’s baby to his chest as he allowed her to drink from a bottle, which she tried, and failed, to hold on her own. He held it upright, careful to ensure that no air bubbles reached the baby’s mouth. He hadn’t missed the days of bottle feeding and changing diapers, but he would never regret the beautiful, loving little girl who came out of it.

Kaitlyn ran around the yard, playing tag with Sully and outrunning him easily. Donovan couldn’t help but laugh at the antics while Shailene shouted in favor of Kaitlyn. As always, the entire fire department adored Kaitlyn’s visits to the weekly Sunday barbecues.

“She really is the most beautiful little girl,” Chelsea commented, sitting at his side and grabbing one of her small, chubby hands. She gripped Chelsea’s finger as she continued sucking at her bottle. “She has one hell of a grip.”

Jaquelin walked up behind them, settling back onto the picnic table’s bench and sighing. “We love little Miss Bailey, even when she projectile vomits on her dad or me.”

Chelsea laughed, allowing Bailey to clutch at her finger while she spoke to Jaquelin. “I can’t imagine raising a little one. I think I’m too much of a workaholic for that.”

Jaquelin’s laugh startled Bailey for a moment, but Redmond nudged the bottle back into her mouth before she could start crying. Blessedly, it worked.

“Honey, if you look up workaholic in the dictionary, a picture of me would cover half the page. Trust me, if you ever decide to have kids, work will be there when you’re ready to go back. Don’t let a job hold you back.” Jaquelin sounded so sure of herself, and the love in her eyes as she looked down at her daughter told Redmond all he needed to know about where the city commissioner’s new priorities rested.

Kellen approached, wiping his hands on his denim jeans. Behind him, Redmond noticed Aiden taking his position at the grill and removing the burgers and hot dogs. Kellen’s eyes fixed on his daughter and softened as he stood over them, taking in the scene. His battalion chief moved his gray eyes from the baby to Redmond. Something in that glance relayed a message. Kellen trusted Redmond with his child, despite all that he’d gone through. And after seven months, Redmond couldn’t have felt better about his mental state. It showed in his work and home life.

Kellen O’Connor’s glance relayed all his history, and it told Redmond that it wouldn’t be held against him.

“I thought I heard Jack over here talking about giving up work for her family,” Kellen teased, giving her a knowing look before glancing at Chelsea. “Don’t let her fool you. I have to go into her office and gather new mail, files, and paperwork every other day.”

“Hey,” Jaquelin teased, narrowing her eyes. “I’ll have you know that I cut my workload in half, and I only go into work for a couple of hours once a week.”

Chelsea chimed into the conversation. “I’d say that’s putting your family first in my book.”

“See. I told you so,” Jaquelin huffed and crossed her arms.

Kellen chuckled and bent, lowering a kiss onto her brow. Her stubborn expression softened beneath his gesture. “I wouldn’t ask you to give up your job in a million years, sweetheart.”

“Good, because I wouldn’t do it in a million years.”

Kellen laughed and stood straight again, looking down at Chelsea, and then back at Redmond. “Donovan, I have a feeling we’re in the same position with our workaholic girlfriends.”
