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After the food was delivered and stored, Luke, Cam, Jake, and Sven walked back toward the docks and their small boats.

“That man been around botherin’ them again?” asked Jake.

“Seems so,” said Cam. “I’m surprised he didn’t use his badge to get through the gates. That’s what I would have done.”

“You would have done it if you were from here,” said Jake. “I think that man ain’t from here. I expect he’s from another part of the state or maybe even further away. Otherwise, he woulda flashed that badge in a heartbeat.”

“Damn, Jake. You sure you’re not the one that should be chasing him down?”

“Oh, no,” he laughed, shaking his head. “I have it on good authority from your Aunt Claudette that if I do anything foolish like that, she’ll have me in a grip. If you know what I mean.”

“We know what you mean,” laughed Cam.

Following one another back to Belle Fleur, they passed Halo Island, where many of the seniors were still busy working furiously to get it ready for Christmas Eve. The trees had arrived, permanently placed in concrete bases. Their limbs and needles looked so real; you would never know they’d been produced by G.R.I.P. and would last through anything.

The paths were lit with colorful lights, the small stands for food and souvenirs were all ready. Beautiful carved benches lined the paths for couples to sit, watching their children play or just enjoying a quiet night alone.

“That’s gonna be amazing,” smiled Cam. “I’m glad they’re gonna use the island for something like that. Think of all the parties we can do out here. Christmas, New Year’s, Mardi Gras, Easter Egg hunts. It’ll be awesome.”

“Yea, we’re lucky men, Cam. Our parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, all of them. They’re amazing people, and we got to be born into this family. I tell you, I’m grateful every damn day of my life. This is the life we get to live.”

“I know what you mean. We’ve all been fortunate, which makes what we’re doing right now all the more important.”

Jake and Sven waved at Luke and Cam as they veered off toward Halo Island. They waved back, smiling at one another.

“That will be us in forty years,” grinned Cam. Luke laughed, shaking his head.

“It’s us now, brother. It’s us now.”


“Where is this club located?” asked Noah as they slowed the bikes near four long rows of metal industrial buildings. He stared at the buildings with no signage or indication that they were being used. “Are they inside these?”

“I’m not sure,” said Noa. “We followed the directions. It doesn’t feel like a trap, but keep your eyes open.” They parked their bikes at the end of the last building and peeked around the corner to see a bunch of people milling about.

Walking together, they made their way around the last building and were surprised to see picnic tables, a barbeque pit, and windows along the side of the metal building.

“Well, I’ll be damned.”

“Afternoon,” said a man, walking toward them. “Can we help you?”

“We sure hope so,” said Magnus. The bikers gave the four men a solid once-over, staring at the bulk and mass before them. They knew these weren’t ordinary men. They’d seen men like these before.

Magnus told the man their story, and his face froze, then looked frustrated, then pissed off.

“We don’t want to interfere in your business, but we want this man found and the toys and things returned to these families, especially the children.”

“Come with me,” he said, walking toward an open garage door. There were dozens of men inside the garage, leaning on their bikes, working on them, or just sitting around talking. “Falcon? A minute.”

An older man with a long gray beard walked toward them. He was a big man, but not from training or from weights. He was big because of hard work.

The man explained what Magnus and the others had already told him, and as he did, the other men gathered around. Noah wasn’t feeling nervous. Neither were Noa or Dom, so they knew it was all going to be okay.

“You’re a big fucker,” said a man standing next to Noa.

“Thank you.”

“Those your Steel Patriot bikes out there?” asked another.
