Page 31 of Broken Rock

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‘And that there is exactly what I’m talking about. You’ve given up. Thrown the towel in before you’ve even tried to sort things out. Let us help you. Your family, your friends - we’re all here for you. Stop pushing us away.’

He scratches at his arm again, stopping when Gregg slaps him on the chest. ‘Hit me again and I’m seriously going to flatten you.’

‘Stop scratching your fucking arm. Let’s see the damage.’

‘Leave it.’

‘Pull up your sleeve, Tate. C’mon.’

He gives in just because he doesn’t have the energy left to argue. He pulls off his hoody and shoves his t-shirt sleeve up. Gregg whistles slowly. ‘You’ve made a right pig’s ear of that, haven’t you?’

Tate looks down at the inside of his left arm. Raw scratch marks spread out a few inches above and below his elbow. He’s even managed to tear at the griffin tattoo on his left arm, adding a deep gouge to its back leg.

Gregg leans closer to get a better look. ‘You got some skin thing I don’t want to know about?’

‘What? No, it’s in my head. I don’t even know I’m doing it half the time.’

‘You need to leave it alone or it’ll never heal.’

‘Oh well, cheers for those words of wisdom. Where would I be without you?’ Tate slumps back in the seat and looks at the patch of red, raw skin. If he keeps this up he’ll need to get some of his tattoos redone.

‘So you want to tell me about this lady you dozed off on?’

‘Near not on. There’s nothing much to tell. I was out on Jove and bumped into her on the way home. Her car was dead so I brought her back to Dorothy’s and she made me a coffee. We got to chatting and she asked where I was living so I cleared out before she could ask why I was back living with my parents. I saw her on the beach again today and thought I’d give being normal another shot.’

‘Losing battle, mate.’

‘Yeah, thanks. We talked for a bit then she got back to her drawing. I laid down on the grass beside her then normal went to shit. I haven’t been sleeping well. I guess I dozed off and had a nightmare.’ He moves to scratch his arm but stops himself in time and goes for his jaw instead. ‘I ran like a fucking idiot. I didn’t even try to explain or apologise. Just jumped on Jove and fucked off.’

‘Yeah. That’s monumentally embarrassing. So, is she cute?’

He nods. ‘More than just cute. She’s gorgeous, Gregg.’

‘Are you attracted to her or do you just fancy having your way with her and moving on like usual?’

Tate bites back his harsh reply. A few months ago that’s probably what he would have done. ‘I’m attracted to her, Gregg.’

‘Interesting. Are you hoping to move from sleeping near her to sleeping with her at some stage? Unless you’ve already slept with her of course.’

‘That supposed to be funny?’

Gregg grins. ‘I thought it was. So?’

‘No I haven’t sept with her. I’ve only met her twice on the beach.’

‘And? Never stopped you before.’

Tate looks across at Gregg. ‘You’re really not helping.’

‘Sorry, I’m just surprised to hear you talk like this. Don’t get me wrong, that’s absolutely not a criticism. Nice to know your dick doesn’t fully control you.’

‘Have you been stockpiling these comments to use when I need a motivational speech or are you just on a roll today?’

‘A little of both. I’m trying to lighten the mood.’

‘Yeah, well thanks. I feel so much better. It doesn’t matter anyway. I’m not in the right place for this. I should leave her alone and... I don’t know...’

‘Wallow in self-pity for the rest of your life?’
