Page 50 of Broken Rock

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‘Chloe? What are you doing here?’

Tate instantly regrets his words. That’s one way to make it sound like she’s not welcome. ‘Fuck. Sorry, I didn’t mean that to come out that way.’

‘No, I shouldn’t have come.’

Tate opens his mouth to say something but frowns and looks to the control room. ‘Too many ears. Will you come with me for a minute?’ He leads Chloe through the building and up to a large roof terrace overlooking the city. ‘Yeah, okay I’m going to start again. I’m really glad you’re here, I’m just surprised to see you.’

‘I needed to see you. I’m sorry for putting you on the spot like this. Gregg said it would be okay.’

‘It is. I really didn’t think I’d see you again.’ He was absolutely sure she was gone for good.

‘I know and I’m sorry for how I reacted. It was such a shock when you told me. I’m so embarrassed about what I said. I blew the entire situation completely out of proportion. I just... I mean you’re the same person, I know that, but you’re also not. I don’t mean that in a bad way. It’s just going to take a little getting used to.’

Tate leans against the wall and crosses his arms, then drops them to his side when he realises he looks like he’s being defensive. ‘You don’t have anything to apologise for. You had every right to go off on me. I kept telling myself what I was doing technically wasn’t lying, but it was. I got so wrapped up in you not knowing about me, I guess I didn’t want to give that up. It doesn’t excuse it for one minute and I’m not trying to justify it. It was just nice being... uncomplicated for a bit. And to be honest, I didn’t have a fucking clue how to even go there with you. I’d ignored every opening and got myself stuck.’

Chloe rests against the wall beside him and doesn’t say anything for a few minutes. Tate doesn’t push her. The fact she took the time to track him down and come here to see him is more than he could have hoped for. He’s not going to tip the scales by saying something stupid.

‘I understand that, Tate. I really do. When you told me who you were I assumed you weren’t taking me seriously or it was just a fling and that’s why you didn’t want to tell me the truth.’

‘I don’t know what this is but it’s not a fling. Well, I didn’t want it to be. Whatever. You know what I mean.’ Tate looks back over the city. He wants to ask her out properly but is afraid he might be pushing his luck. Then again, she had made the effort to track him down. ‘Can we, I don’t know, maybe grab a coffee sometime? Start over?’

When he turns to look at her, any doubts he had about asking the question disappear. She’s smiling at him. ‘I’d really like that.’

‘How about dinner when I’m done here instead?’

‘I’d like that even more.’

Tate gets through the rest of the session in record speed. After saying his goodbyes, he takes Chloe’s hand and walks with her down to the basement. His truck may be back where he parked it, but he usually manages to get it between the white lines. Gregg must have borrowed it when he went to get Chloe. Maybe this once he won’t give him a hard time about it.

‘I could book a table somewhere, or maybe cook you something at my place... unless you’d prefer to go out.’ He shuts his mouth in an attempt to stop his foot from getting firmly wedged inside again.

‘Your place sounds great. If you’re sure it’s not too much trouble to cook.’

‘No trouble at all. The guys say I make a mean bolognese.’

She climbs into the truck and smirks across at him as he fastens his seatbelt. ‘I’ll let you know after I’ve tried it. I’m fairly sure Gran has already awarded herself first place in the best bolognese category. It is pretty amazing.’

He starts the truck and pulls out of the garage. ‘No pressure then.’
