Page 51 of Broken Rock

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Chloe looks out thewindow of Tate’s car as he battles his way through Dublin traffic to Blackrock where he lives. Thanks to the rush hour traffic the usual twenty-minute drive has stretched on to well over half an hour.

It’s ridiculous to be excited, but she can’t wait to see his house. She can’t imagine what type of house someone like Tate would pick for himself. Her gran told her his parents live in a spectacular old farmhouse with plenty of outside space. That’s somewhere she can picture him. A house in Blackrock, not so much.

‘Why Blackrock?’

‘We use that studio a fair bit. I didn’t want to live in the city but it made sense to be closer to the centre. Easier than getting stuck in traffic every day all the way from Wicklow. It’s handy being closer to the airport too. It’s not going to be my forever home, but it works for now. I’d prefer to be further down the coast if I can.’ He glances sideways at her. ‘What? You look confused.’

‘It still coming to terms with who you really are. That’s not me having a go at you. It’s just weird. The funny thing is, I recognised you that first day on the beach. I didn’t know who you were but I knew I knew you, if you get what I mean.’

‘That’s what threw me. Everyone around Newcastle knows who I am. I pretty much grew up there. I go there to see my family every break in my schedule. I’m not used to meeting someone who doesn’t know me.’

‘I still can’t believe I asked if you make a living from your music. I even asked about when you’d be preforming next so I could tag along. I checked online. Tickets to your shows are like hen’s teeth.’

‘I’m sure I could rustle you up one if you ever want to check us out.’

‘How did you keep a straight face that first day?’

‘Why the fuck do you think I was frowning so much? I thought you were pulling my leg.’

‘I kind of wish I was.’ The funny thing is that she’s never been one to drool over celebrities or read magazines detailing every minute of their fabulous lives. She never found the attraction to reading about perfect strangers. Of all the people to find themselves with a celebrity, she was at the bottom of the list. If this could be called being with him. It’s too soon to label it. All she knows is that she’s enjoying spending time with him, no matter how bizarre the whole situation is to her.

From the minute she found out who he really is, he seemed to be everywhere. His picture popped up on the Internet. His music was on the radio. He was probably everywhere before she knew, but something had stopped her from seeing the truth.

He pulls his truck up to a set of metal gates and pushes a remote. When the gates open Chloe realises whatever image of Tate’s house she might have had in her head was all wrong. The house isn’t modest in any way. With a house like that on a street like this, it would have cost a staggering amount. He parks in front of the impressive white building and looks at her.

‘Not what you imagined, right?’

‘I’m not sure what I imagined. It’s beautiful.’

‘It was designed by a wacky architect. That’s why this end is curved. Pain in the ass with furniture, but it’s got great views of the sea.’

She gets out of the car and strolls around the large garden. The flowerbeds are bursting with colour and well maintained.

‘Didn’t picture you as an avid gardener.’

Tate leans against the front of his truck and makes a face. ‘Not down to me. My mum was getting on my case about letting the garden go, so I have a gardener to look after it. Like I said, this isn’t my forever home. I’ll sell it at some stage so it’s probably a good idea to keep the garden from turning into something from the set of Jumanji.’

He unlocks the front door and turns off the alarm. Chloe instantly falls in love with the house. The wide entranceway leads into an open plan living room with a mezzanine level jutting out above it. The enormous kitchen is wood and chrome with full length windows in the curved seating area overlooking the garden. Expensive looking leather couches are positioned facing a fireplace and TV.

‘Want to see the view?’

He takes her hand and leads her up the wooden staircase to the first floor, then brings her along the corridor and up another stairs to the top floor. He opens the only door at the top and steps into an impressive studio that rivals where they just were. He touches a button on the wall and the blackout blinds taking up the entire wall rise, showing an unspoilt view of the sea.

‘You must have some amazing parties here. The view is incredible.’

Tate shrugs and his whole demeanour changes. ‘Yeah... I wouldn’t call them that amazing.’ Tate curses and drops onto the couch against the far wall. He scrubs his hand over his face then curses to himself again. ‘Okay, can you sit down for a sec, please. I need to tell you something before... well, I probably should have told you before I suggested dinner. Before I brought you back here, but I wasn’t thinking.’

She sits down on the couch opposite him and forces a smile on her face. She’s got a really bad feeling about this.

Tate leans forward and turns the ring on his thumb, over and over as he stares at the floor in front of her. ‘Right. I’m sure you’ve read stuff about me online. About what happened after Christmas?’

Chloe nods.
