Page 71 of Broken Rock

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‘Right back at you mate.’

Luke snorts and reaches out to take his glass from the table. ‘From what I heard, you were both as bad as each other. Still are. You can’t help winding each other up. Best thing all around is for both of you to avoid all contact. Stay the hell away from each other. Actually scrap that, one of you needs to move to another country.’

Chloe stands up and puts her glass in the kitchen. ‘Well as informative as this has been, I’m tired so I’ll leave you all to it.’

Tate follows her into the kitchen and moves her out of earshot. ‘Are you okay?’

‘Of course I am. You need time with them alone. I’m going to get some sleep.’ She winks and walks up the stairs, waving over at the guys as she goes upstairs. Tate goes back to the couch, wincing when Dillon kicks him in the shin.


‘You,’ Dillon answers. ‘Gazing after her with a goofy smile on your face. She’s got you mate.’

‘Absolutely,’ Luke says with a smirk.

‘I have to wholeheartedly agree.’ Gregg raises his glass to Tate. ‘It’s about time you found someone half decent.’

‘Hey, watch it.’

Dillon stretches out his legs, resting them on the coffee table. ‘No, I know what he means. The last few you’ve been with weren’t good for you. Take Astrid for example. Pampered spoilt princess. Of course she was going to go for someone like you.’

‘Hold up. What exactly do you mean by someone like me?’

‘Someone Daddy wouldn’t approve of. She was with you to prove a point and get a few steps up the social ladder. You used her for—’

‘Stop right there.’ Tate interrupts. ‘I’m begging you not to finish that sentence.’

Dillon grins over at him. ‘Reckon she liked the idea of being with you more than actually being with you.’

Gregg nods enthusiastically. ‘To be fair, Dillon, I’d imagine most people would prefer the idea of being with Tate more than the reality. Grumpy fucker.’

Tate rests his arm along the back of the couch and glowers at them. ‘Grumpy fucker? Cheers. Luke, you fancy chipping in?’

Luke smirks and shakes his head. ‘Nah, I’m good just watching the show.’

‘Chloe’s leagues apart from her,’ Dillon says, his face turning serious. ‘She likes you. The real you. She’s good for you, Tate. We can all see it.’

Tate crosses his arms and looks at them, waiting for the imminent joke or dig, but there’s nothing. He can’t remember the last time they approved of anyone he dated.

‘She’s coming to London with me.’

Gregg smiles widely. ‘Hang on one second. We may have just entered a parallel universe. Are you telling me you’re bringing a date?’

‘I’ve brought dates before.’

Gregg shakes his head. ‘Once, and it was Bria. Your sister doesn’t count. You have never ever brought an actual date to any of these things. Ever.’

He frowns as he thinks back to the numerous events he’s attended in the past. He’d brought dates to parties, but Gregg is right. He’s always gone to these things alone. ‘You think it’s too fast?’

‘You’re thirty-six and you’ve finally asked someone to go with you to a work do. I don’t think too fast is the term I’d use to describe it.’

‘You know what I mean. Am I rushing things with Chloe?’

‘You know what I think?’ Dillon says as he gets up and opens a few kitchen cupboards.

Tate glares across at Dillon. ‘No, that’s why I’m asking.’

Dillon grabs a few bags of crisps and hands them out. ‘I think the fact you asked her is all the answer you need. Go with it, Tate. What did Ellen say about it?’
