Page 91 of North Bound

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Nick is jolted awakewhen someone nudges him on the arm. He’s so beyond exhausted. What he desperately needs is his bed. Or any bed. Hell, he’ll sleep right here and now if he has to.

‘Nick. Nick! Are you still with us?’

He shakes himself awake again. ‘What? Yeah, sorry. I’m still here.’ He smiles at Eve, but she doesn’t return it. ‘I’m fine.’

‘He’s injured and exhausted,’ Scarlett says, hurrying over to help Eve.

‘I don’t need you two fussing over me. I’m fine.’

Scarlett takes his arm, helping him up from the workshop floor where Damon left him. ‘Stop being a stubborn ass and let us help you.’

He gives in. He honestly doesn’t have the energy to argue. While the rest of his team go to get cleaned up or eat, he lets Eve and Scarlett bring him to the infirmary. Scarlett helps him out of his coat and t-shirt while Eve grabs the first aid kit.

‘God, Nick! This is nasty.’

He shakes his head, trying to put Scarlett at ease. ‘It’s not too bad. Trust me. It just needs a bandage. Ouch! Fuck Eve!’

Eve grins at him as she dabs at the wound, cleaning the blood from around it. ‘Oh I’m sorry. I thought it wasn’t too bad?’

‘You’re fired!’

‘Whatever, Boss. Now shut up and let me see to this.’

Nick winces as she pokes him again, but does his best to ignore her, focusing on Scarlett. Things were so crazy after the fight, he hadn’t really taken the time to look at her properly. ‘Are you okay?’

She slides onto the edge of the bed next to him. ‘Seriously. I’m fine. Talen got to me just in time.’

He nods. That’s the part he’s still struggling to get his head around. ‘Do you believe him?’ he asks. He’s going to make up his own mind about Talen, but she’s the only person who’s been close to the legend in centuries. Her input is invaluable.


Nick nods.

‘I do. I know I’m so new to all of this but, from what I saw of him, he’s genuine. He’s getting his humanity back, Nick. His legs are human again. You must have seen that for yourself.’

He did. In spite of what Reve thinks, Nick is far from being an idiot. He’s read up on everyone on his team. And those who used to be on the team. Like Talen. The last report he read on the guy went into great detail about his appearance. Krampus had taken over the man, turning him, twisting him into a monster.

The creature he saw today may have had horns and grey skin, but the man was now visible and that’s all that matters to Nick.

‘What does he want? He must have told you. Fuck Eve! Will you give it a rest and stop poking me?’

She backs away, hands in the air. ‘Relax Boss. I’m done. You know where I am when you’re... you know. Whatever.’

He smiles as she leaves the room, moving over in the bed so Scarlett can sit beside him. ‘Sorry. So, did he tell you?’

‘He just wants to be left alone, Nick. That’s all he wants. He’s been looking over his shoulder for decades and he’s tired.’

Nick lies back against the wall as he processes that. He can hardly blame the guy for wanting a quiet life. Right now that sounds like heaven.

‘Nick, what are you going to do with Reve?’
