Page 90 of North Bound

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Talen blinks a few times. Clearly he wasn’t expecting Nick to ask him that of all questions. ‘Yes. I have for a few decades. My human form is slowly returning.’

Nick glances down at Talen’s legs, then at the rest of the team. No one says anything and it’s driving Scarlett crazy.


He holds up his hand, silencing her. Her first reaction is to tell him where he can shove that hand, but she stops herself. This isn’t her world after all. As much as she wants to interfere, she’s not going to. Not unless Nick decides to kill Talen. Then there will be a whole load of interfering.

‘Send the Púca away.’

‘We’re not going to kill them?’ Hunter asks, clearly disappointed.

‘No. Reve was controlling them. We’re not just going to kill them for no reason.’

Talen nods and utters some bizarre words. The Púca disperse, leaving them alone with the dead bodies.

‘Thank you.’

Talen’s mouth drops open at Nick’s words and Scarlett smiles. Talen may make it out of here in one piece after all.

‘I have to sleep, but after we need to talk.’

‘I would appreciate that.’

Nick nods. ‘We’ll take you off our wanted list until then, at least.’ He lifts his hand again when someone complains, and they fall silent.

‘Again, I would appreciate that.’

‘Be here at midnight in three weeks. We’ll talk then. Flint, get rid of the bodies. Cobh watch his back. Everyone else, back to the workshop.’

Scarlett stands in front of Talen and smiles up at him. ‘Happy?’

He smiles back, showing fangs that put Damon’s ones to shame. ‘Very much. I just wanted to be left to my own devices. The fact he is willing to talk is more than I could have wished for. Thank you Scarlett.’

She reaches up and hugs him - much to his and Nick’s surprise, if the curse from behind her is anything to go by. ‘Thank you for saving my neck.’

‘Of course. You better go before he changes his mind.’

Scarlett walks back over to Nick, laughing at the confused look on her face. ‘What the fuck was that?’

‘He’s a nice guy, Nick. You’ll find that out for yourself when you speak to him.’

Nick takes her hand and leads her back to the rest of the team. ‘He brought you back in one piece. Whatever happens in a few weeks time, I owe him. That’s a start.’
