Page 96 of North Bound

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Nick shouts, hurlingthe plate complete with the half made sandwich across the room into the far wall.

‘What did the sandwich do to you?’

He glares over at Eve but, as usual, she’s completely unfazed. He leans on the counter, pressing his hands onto the surface, trying to get his temper under control. He’s been on edge ever since he woke up, lashing out at anyone who dares to look at him the wrong way. Or even look at him at all. Yeah, his mood has been so far beyond dire.

‘What do you want?’ She bends down to pick up the remains of his lunch. ‘Leave it!’

But again, she ignores him, picking up his mess, dumping it in the bin beside the counter. After washing her hands she takes out a fresh plate and a couple of slices of bread. ‘What do you fancy?’

‘I can make my own fucking lunch! I don’t need you to do it for me.’

She points to the bin and grins. ‘All evidence to the contrary. Now I know bread can be troublesome, but it didn’t deserve that now, did it?’

He huffs out a breath and smiles. ‘Sorry. Ignore me,’ he says, rubbing his forehead. He’s got another headache. Probably from all the glowering.

‘I’ve just left Talen. I have to say, he’s a genius when it comes to data. He’s only been here a few weeks, but he’s already compiled data on more creatures than I would have been able to in a few years. He’s a definite asset.’

‘Good. He giving you any trouble?’

‘None whatsoever. He’s the perfect gentleman. At least, a gentleman with horns and a tail. I owe you an apology.’

‘For what?’

‘Doubting your sanity when you allowed him to move in. It was the right thing to do.’

He’s glad to hear that. He’d been doubting his own sanity on that decision for a while, but from the little time he’s spent with Talen, he knows there’s goodness somewhere under all that demon. It’ll just take time to get it out.

‘So,’ she says, as she stubbornly makes him the sandwich he was too pissed off to make himself. ‘Why are you doing this to yourself?’

‘Making lunch?’

She rolls her eyes at him. ‘You know what I mean, Nick. With all due respect, Boss. Why are you being an ass?’

‘I just apologised for that.’

‘I meant why are you being an ass to yourself? There are forty-three people living here, Nick. Including you. Now why is it that forty-two of those people can see how much you miss Scarlett? Even Talen can see it and he barely mixes with you. There’s only one stubborn fucker who can’t see it. That’s you by the way. I’m going to be blunt here.’

‘Go for it. Don't hold back just because I'm your boss,’ he adds, sarcastically.

‘Sometimes you need a kick in the ass. Consider this that very kick. Why did you send her away?’

‘Oh can you just leave it, Eve!’

‘Just thinking out loud.’

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