Page 19 of Vampire's Fate

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Claude exhaled all his breath and pulled me into his arms. “Thankhell. River’s searching the house for you, he’ll be so relieved you’re alright. I’ll give you space in a second, I just … I need to tell myself you’re fine.”

“For now,” Silas said ominously. I shot him a look, but his expression didn’t soften. “River’s matriarch tried to force a marriage between him and Roxana. She sent a man here to compel our fiancée, or kill her if she resisted. We need to talk.”

Um. Fiancee? When the fuck did that happen?

Claude pulled me closer, protective as a hiss formed in his throat. I swallowed a grunt as pain erupted through my gut. “Nobody hurts my Roxie.”

My head spun. This was definitely blood loss. I needed to lay down.

“Well, someonedidhurt her,” Silas replied coolly, his eyes drifting to my throat where blood trickled, to my bloodsoaked clothes, and the four scratches on my cheek, cataloguing each injury. “And next time they will kill her unless we do something about it.”

* * *
