Page 28 of Wrecked

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My sister groans, annoyed. “Ella, that man is gorgeous, and he gave you the night of your life. But he had sex with a complete stranger, so you have to consider him a playboy with a lot of baggage. Who—I might add—lives in Los Angeles.”

Talking about reminders… truth is a hard pill to swallow.

“Has he made any promises? He’s enamored with his son, that’s good, and maybe he’s enthralled by you. But that doesn’t make him relationship material, at least not for you.”

My sister is right. That doesn’t mean I like what I’m listening to. Tears sting my eyes.

“You’re right,” I finally concede. “So, would you call John?”

Gosh, this is embarrassing.

“I texted him already,” I’m sure Melissa is smirking while saying this. My sister is such a smartass.

“I hate you!”

“We need to end this call now,” she adds. “He will call you soon.”

“I still hate you.”

“No, you don’t, I’m the best big sister ever, and you know it. Chloe will be there to babysit Davi,” she counters. “You’re welcome, little sister.”

I finish the call and start chewing my thumb. If this is the right to do, why is my stomach in knots? Why is my skin prickling with unease?

David is right. The electricity between us is undeniable. The sad part is it doesn’t make a relationship between us possible. Not even probable. He said he is here, but for how long?

In what capacity? A hookup? As the mother of his child?

Gah… being an adult is so frustrating.

My phone rings, and even when I am waiting for it, Derik’s call only adds acid to my already upside-down tummy.

“Thank you for giving me a chance, Melanie,” Derik says before ending the call. He’s on duty all day long. However, we agreed on having dinner tonight. I think Derik is a little bit afraid I would change my mind. He also tells me he knows the right place for a first date, but it will be a surprise.

This is the worst thing ever. But even if I’m not excited—at all—about the date… I’ve had enough surprises for a lifetime.

My sister, being her usual noisy self, calls me later and gives me orders about the outfit for the date. From a dress I should go shopping for, to a couple of things that are collecting dust in my closet.

“Mommy, what are you doing?” My son, Davi, asks me from the open door, making me jump.

“Nothing, baby, just looking at my clothes. I’m going for dinner tonight and need something to wear.”

He thinks for a second, then his beautiful little face comes alive with a huge smile. “Are we going to have dinner with Grandpa? I want chicken.”

Closing the distance between us, I give him a soft touch on the nose. “No, baby, I’m going on a date. You will stay here at home with Chloe.”

“A date with David? Why couldn’t I go with you?” His brows are knitted in a severe line. He really looks like every pinch of his father.

“No, baby, a friend of your uncle John will be taking me out.”

“I don’t want you to go.” Her arms are crossed over his chest, trying to make himself taller.

“I gave him my word, Davi. I’m going.”

Frustration is all over his face. “Why?”

“Because Mommy deserves a night out.”

“I don’t want that man to be my daddy,” he says between clenched teeth and watery eyes.
