Page 47 of Wrecked

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“They are asking for a lot of money, David.” He isn’t providing any new information. I knew that already. People get greedy at the smell of money. Yes, I’m willing to pay a huge amount to get this shit sorted out as soon as possible.

“I’m sure they have a weakness,” I say. “Find it quickly and then call them with a final offer. We have the best PIs on our payroll. Put those fuckers to work.”

“They are doing their best, David.” Charles’ whining tone grates on my nerves. “But you want this done in a blink. You know how slow business can be sometimes….”

“I don’t fucking care. Make this happen.” I end the call with a growl. I’m over the edge. I’ve worked extra hours this week to surprise Melanie on Friday, and driving back and forth from the rental house to Warmer Springs with my son in tow has been both a godsend and time consuming. Thank God Melanie isn’t the one driving back and forth.

The judge graciously allowed me to trade some extra hours to have the weekend off. The plan is to take Melanie and Davi to a very special place. I haven’t told her yet. As I said, it’s a surprise, and I don’t want her to start freaking out when there is no need for that.

I start walking while fuming, just to find Marcus looking at me with an amused glance.

“Come here,” he says.

“I don’t have time, pastor.” I point to the roof, where the crew is waiting for me to help lay another coat of insulation.

“You’re like a bear with a thorn in its foot.” More like a beast with an arrow in the ass, but who am I to say this man of God is wrong?

“David!” Lynda, the church’s secretary, comes in a rush. “A package was delivered for you.”

That’s a surprise. I’ve ordered some stuff in the past few days, but none were coming here.

“The driver is a parishioner here, and he guessed you want your stuff quickly.”

Well, this is small-town five-star service. She hands me the box and stays rooted in the same spot as if she were waiting for me to open the parcel in front of her.

Listen, Lynda, that’s not happening. My private matters are that, private. Plus, this box’s content would make you blush from head to toe. So, no. Go away.

After another grueling day, I arrive at the rental cabin around ten at night. I’m tired as a dog but eager to see my girl and hear her stories about the camp. Plus, in my pocket, there is a special gift for her. A gift we will enjoy together.

She’s waiting by the threshold for me to get a sleepy Davi from the back seat. I can tell she’s not happy. But she will be. I’ll make sure of it.

“Did you shower him?” Melanie asks me when I carefully drop Davi on his bed wearing one of his beloved dinosaurs’ pajamas.

“Your father did,” I give her that as an explanation, no more than that. Questions are swirling inside her head, I can see that, but for now, there are no answers for me to provide. And I don’t want to lie.

“Are you hungry?” As I’m working late at the church, her father ensures two things. First, that I don’t waste a minute on distractions. And two, that my crew and I are well-fed.

“No, but I could eat you.”

“Seriously, David?”

“Come on.” I take her hand to go to our room. Privacy is required for the next part of the night. And to be honest, after spending all day apart, I just want to be with her, “I have a gift for you.”

Her brows are still knitted together, but the hint of a smile appears on her mouth.

I take the black velvet box from my pocket and place it in his hands.

“Oh, my God, David!” she whispers, shock evident in her tone. “It’s too soon for this.”

Yes, it’s jewelry, but not the kind she has in mind. “Open it, baby.”

She looks at me for a long second before lifting the top of the box.

Just for a moment, her mouth hangs open, and my instincts urge me to act like an idiot and to make a crude joke. Somehow I managed to keep my pipes shut.

“This is…?” she mumbles. “This is…”

Her stammer makes me smile. “I’m pretty sure you have read about this in those smutty books you like so much.”
