Page 48 of Wrecked

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“You’re…” Ella whispers while touching the metal softly with her hands.

“I’m doing what I told you I would,” I clarify, just in case she forgot about our conversation. “You said you wanted to be all mine. Well, baby, this is the first step.”

The day after our first time in the cabin, I placed an online order. I bought an anal plug to get her ready for me. And why not do it in style?

“Diamonds are a girl’s best friend, right?” There is a famous song about it. I’m sure.

She smacks my shoulder. “You’re an idiot.”

“And you love it.” I want to sayyou love meso bad, but this isn’t the time.

“Ok.” Her gaze looks for mine. “We are doing this tonight. And after you finish with me, I want a long hot bath.”

“Baby, when I’m finished with you, you won’t have any energy to leave the bed. Get ready.”

The gleam in her eyes tells me she’s ready indeed.

Chapter Sixteen


Today is Friday. Officially this has been my second week at the camp, and I’m freaking ecstatic. The kids are amazing. The only thing that makes me uncomfortable is the segregation rule the director imposed over the kids currently paying and the others who came here invited by one of the camp sponsors. It’s frustrating how they’re missing a wonderful opportunity to get to meet new people and walk out of the bubbles of comfort they were born in, on both sides of the aisle. They could learn so much from each other.

They sleep in separate quarters. The sponsored kids’ cabins are more crowded and sparse, and they eat in the second tent. While the wealth-privileged children eat in the main tent. The kids only mingle during supervised activities like the girls’ soccer game I’m coaching. Being treated differently just because you don’t have money to pay for luxury vacations is fucking unfair.

“Go, Marilynn, go!” I shout at the girl who’s leading her team across the field and is running at full speed from the center circle to the other team’s area. The way she plays with the ball when the defensive midfielder comes to her is amazing. It’s about ten minutes until the match ends, and they are tied one-one.

Marilynn lifts her gaze to find one of her teammates ready and waiting for the ball, so she does. Great play. The girl, Haylee, catches it and goes to the sideline with Marilynn staying close, just waiting for the perfect moment to get control of the ball again.

A pass that she manages masterfully. This girl has talent. Another player, a wingback, also comes, but she loses her quickly inside the penalty arch, advancing straight to the goal area when the other team’s striker—the number ten—joins the defensive formation. The other teenager is also a gifted player; she’s shouting orders at her teammates to stop any chances of kicking straight to the net. This will be good.

My hands are on my mouth when number ten and Marilynn run side by side to the scoring area. “Do it now, Mari!” I shout while jumping on the tips of my sneakers. She’s taking her time to do it, but a hit of an elbow on her ribcage makes her lose her balance, and she falls to the ground.

Fuck. That wasn’t a fair play.

The girl with the number ten stamped on the back of her shirt lifts her arms acting innocently, but we all seen her violation. The main referee and one of the linemen are running to the place as I’m doing the same.

Marilynn is on the ground with her arms around her chest protectively, surrounded by her teammates who, in the midst of concern for her friend, are ready to start a fight.

“What happened here?” Asks Brandon, the referee.

“She just fell down,” replies the girl with the number ten.

“Liar,” one of my players replies, taking two steps in her direction. “You elbowed her!”

“Brandon, a word,” says John, the lineman.

While they talk in low voices to the side, I kneel by Marilynn’s side. “Are you ok?” I help her sit, and she does it, flinching a bit.

“You saw it, Ms. Garfield,” she says with her dark eyes full of fury. “That girl hit me hard.”

“Can you stand? Or do you need my help?” I ask her. “I’d like the nurse to check you.”

She laughs a little as she stands. “There is no need. I just want to kick a penalty and show those fuckers who rules here.”

“Marilynn!” I scold her.

“What?” she says with a shrug and a smile. “Didn’t you see how they were playing? My shins are hurting after being kicked so many times.”
