Page 51 of Wrecked

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“Why, why do you care? Haven’t you been coming home late all week? Surely you have better things to do than spend time with me.”

“That’s part of the plans and the surprise.”

That statement leaves me as liquid as the rain falling from the sky. I lose the strength and desire to continue fighting.

I’m still attached to his chest, and my nipples harden, I’m not sure if it is from his closeness or the cold, but with his arms now wrap around me, everything else leaves my mind. I don’t know how we got to the car, and I don’t care.

I lift my gaze and meet his, landing on those turbulent eyes and those eyelashes where tiny drops have settled on. There, I find so many unanswered questions. Also, many answers that I don’t know if I can assimilate, my body and my soul ask for one thing, that I trust him.

“You have a lot to explain….” I say in a small voice.

“Soon, you will have all the answers.”

Having said all this, he picks me up without much effort and puts me in the car.

On the way home, no one speaks, the moment is fragile and would be broken with words, so I stay still, enjoying the warmth that his arm emanates under the layers of icy clothes. I let myself go, for the first time in a long time, giving control of the situation to someone else. I’m so tired of being the leader, the strong one.

But above all things, I am exhausted from denying that I love him. David Posada is the only man I want by my side. Only with him do I feel whole again. Only in his arms do I feel happy. Although I know when he leaves me, I will find myself hopelessly broken.

He knows exactly what I need. Right now, it’s him. After carrying me around the house as if I weighed nothing. He gently leaves me leaning on the bathroom countertop and disappears behind the shower screen. After checking the water’s temperature, he returns to my side.

We take off our shoes and enter the big shower, disappearing behind the tempered glass. I begin to warm up, the kind of heat that just comes from inside and spreads through my body. The kind that only he ignites.

I don’t wait for him to take the initiative, David looks at me, and I know it’s time. I kiss him as if my life depends on it, I kiss him with need, desire, anguish, but above all things, I kiss him with love.

Without hesitation, David plunges his tongue into my mouth as his hands force my legs around his narrow hips. Taking the reins from him, I search hungrily at every wet nook and cranny of him as he pushes me against the marble wall. Unconscious and at the same time successful, my arms surround his neck, bringing him closer. I want to merge every cell of my anatomy with his. He doesn’t even need to breathe. That function has gone into the background. My mission is to feed on those perfect and full lips as much as possible. They are my manna. Manna from heaven.

My clothes get in the way, and my leggings and T-shirt have become a piece of cloth that annoys me, not because of the weight of the water, but because it prevents his chest from sticking to mine. I’m desperate to feel the hardness of his torso, the firm perfection of each of his muscles touching my tender flesh. I need him more than the next beat of my heart.

I’m sick with a chronic disease that is killing me. The plague and the cure come in the same package, one that now struggles between my thighs to get rid of the wet shirt that clings to his body. I’m nuts, I know, because it makes me angry with that fine garment that covers his skin.

My body is beyond lewd. This is not just lust. I want it because I love him. It pains me to admit it, but now that I have it moving and rubbing against me, I realize that the intensity of what I feel is too much to be denied. It’s like covering the sun with a finger. No, not the sun, the entire universe.

We’re naked, breathing heavily under the water spray and surrounded by a thick layer of steam. He looks at me one more time, and I’m sure he’s waiting for me to regret it and want to get the hell out of here, but that’s far from what I want. To prove it, I push myself by levering on his shoulders as his body takes mine. We both remain completely static and rapturous.

I can’t believe it.

He looks at me like he doesn’t believe it, either.

After years my world turns in the right direction again, orbiting around a dark-eyed man.


“It was so humiliating,” I whisper later. We are cuddling on the shower’s marbled floor, the water still falling around us while steam fills the air.

“What happened?”

I tell him what happened at the camp and Mrs. Reynolds’ reaction. I wasn’t surprised, no. I was stunned. During my pregnancy and the weeks after my son was born, I grew thick skin. My armor was always in place. My defenses stood tall all the time. This was different, though. The thought of being verbally assaulted by my boss appalls me.

“I’m going to crush her,” David says in a menacing tone, the way his mouth twists doesn’t help either.

“This is my battle to fight,” I reply. “You’re doing nothing, David Posada.”

Fury sparks in his dark eyes. “I told you before. You can set the world on fire, Melanie Garfield,” he grunts through clenched teeth. “But I’ll always be by your side, ready to hand you the matches.”

This is a war I won’t win. I know it. David can be as stubborn as a mule, so the best thing to do here is a distraction. “I’m still furious with you, by the way.”

“I can tell,” he replies.
