Page 61 of Wrecked

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Chapter Twenty


What day is it? Sunday…

When was my last period? I rack my mind looking for the exact dates, my period, the first time David and I had sex, as panic rises, burning my throat.

This has to be a false alarm. I’m on the pill, and I take the damn things religiously at the same time every day. An alarm is set on my phone to remind me of that. I haven’t been sick or taking any other medication. The possibilities are remote, right?

I open my eyes to find the room filled with the dawn light. like every morning, David’s arms are around me, holding me close.

“What are you freaking out about?” His sleepy voice surprises me. I need air, or I’m going to faint right here.

“The camp,” I blurt out, my mind working fast for a credible excuse.

“Don’t worry about that,” he whispers and kisses my neck. He’s so good at this, but the last thing we need right now is more sex. I’m gasping for air and some space. David’s presence is too overpowering to think clearly around him. “We’ll deal with that later.”

My mind is too busy to figure out what he means.

“I’m going for coffee,” I say, untangling from his grasp and get out bed.

“I have a better way to wake you up,” he purrs while stroking himself. I’m about to cave when I remind myself that cock of his and my weakness for it, lead us to this point.

“I really want some caffeine.” He knows how much I like my big cup of Joe every morning.

David examines me with a critical eye. “You’re acting weird.”

“I’m weird. You know that.”

I dress in a T-shirt, leggings and venture barefoot to the kitchen. Fuckity fuck. Pregnant again. No, I’m freaking out for no reason. Sometimes women get their periods a little bit late, right?


I lean on the counter, looking through the window, sipping coffee, and begging God for mercy. Our relationship is too new. Like a baby trying to walk on wobbly legs. We aren’t ready for another kid. There is too much to figure out. Starting with where the heck we are going to live.

“I don’t know, Dee. I’m worried.” Is that Elena’s voice? This is a private conversation, and I probably shouldn’t be listening, even if it was by accident. “Melanie is wonderful, but you know… David is David.”

Are they talking about us?

“I believe he has changed,” Destinee replies. “A whole lot. Your brother isn’t the same man, Lena.”

Destinee and David were in a relationship for years. He told me everything about it. There are no secrets between us.

“I don’t know….” Elena says, and my stomach turns upside down. “He seems so enticed by her, but I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop and for his true self to come out.”

What in the living hell?

“I think you’re wrong,” Destinee objects. “Maybe we never knew the real David.”

“How could you say that?” Elena asks her sister-in-law in a high-pitched tone. “You were his victim, Dee. Don’t you remember what happened between you two?”

Destinee lets out a deep sigh. “I wasn’t a victim, Lena. Thank you very much. And yes, I do remember what happened. David wasn’t in love with me. Ours was a toxic relationship. Have you noticed the way he looks at Melanie? He loves her. It’s obvious.”

I can’t see them from where I am, but I’m guessing Elena is pondering what Dee just said. “You’re too in love to be objective. Your world is a pink cloud now.”

Destinee chuckles. “Yeah, I’m in love, but I can be objective, Lena. The David I lived with was different. We weren’t committed to each other in the same way Martin and I are. Or even in the same way Melanie and David are. Stop being a pessimistic bitch and wish your brother all the happiness in the world. He deserves it.”

Bile rises again, and I’m about to puke. This is why you should never listen to other people’s conversations.
