Page 62 of Wrecked

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“I’m just worried. My brother has always been a jackass. David was always reluctant to accept any kind of responsibility, let alone a commitment,” Elena admits in a soft voice, and at the same time, my hands grip the counter for dear life, as my knees tremble. “What if he breaks her heart and little Davi’s? What if we never see him again? That boy is my nephew!”

I’m not that kind of woman. Somehow, the statement gets stuck in my mouth. I’d never forbid Davi’s family to visit or keep in touch with him. My son deserves a family even if his father and I aren’t together.

It’s time to get the hell out of here. Not just the kitchen to stop listening to this conversation, but the farm. Distance is very much required to clear my mind and decide what direction to move next.

“Lena, this isn’t your life to control. David is a grown man, and he is sober now. Martin said he has been working hard on himself for the last few years. I have faith in him.” Wow, Destinee just amazed me. After everything, they lived together and the way the relationship ended… She forgave David, and now she’s standing up for him when his sister has her doubts. Wow.

“Dee, how could you forget?”

Destinee sighs again. “It’s called moving on, Elena. Martin and I decided to let the past remain in the place where it belongs and be happy. We forgave David even when he didn’t ask us to do that. It was a gift for him and for us, too. We are free of resentment, free to embrace the future.”

Destinee is giving Elena a master class.

“I don’t know, Dee,” Elena says. “What if Melanie gets pregnant again, and David freaks out and….”

“Good morning, Melanie,” a voice says behind me. Ignacio. Oh fuck.

I jump and turn to see him standing there. Maybe he was listening too and decided it was enough.

“Good morning,papá Nacho.” My chirpy voice sounds so fake.

“Are you hungry?” he asks. “I can whip something really fast for you if you’re hungry.”

“Just coffee,” I say, lifting my cup filled with the lukewarm liquid. I haven’t taken a single sip. My stomach couldn’t handle it now.

“Very well,” he replies, clasping his hands together. “Then sit with me. I want to hear all the stories you have to tell. How was Davi as a baby?”

Yeah, this man is smart. Now I’m sure he was listening too, and he’s trying to distract me. The trick works. Even if my mind is a bit cloudy, I tell him stories about the time when Davi was born, those sleepless nights. His first words. His first steps…

David comes downstairs half an hour later and sits beside me. His strong arm is around my shoulder, holding me close. For me, this is torture, I’m unable to relax. Good thing our son isn’t around, he’s the best reader of my mood swings and isn’t ever afraid to share his opinion with the world. He went to Elena’s home to have breakfast with his new cohort. Emi and he quickly became best friends, two peas in a pod.


When it is time to say goodbye, I’m a mess, and David notices it. Thankfully, the man says nothing as we are engulfed in a sea of hugs and well-wishers. Erin can’t stop weeping, poor thing, her hormones have her over the edge. She makes me promise we will visit them as soon as the baby is born.

Destinee holds me tight for a long minute and whispers in my ear: “I’m sure this is a short farewell. See you soon, sister. Just relax and be happy. David is a good guy.”

If only I could be as sure as she is…

Elena gives me a tight smile and kisses my cheek. To be honest, I’m grateful she doesn’t do anything else. After hearing what she really thinks, it wouldn’t feel right.

The rest of the Posada clan is as boisterous as ever, joking and laughing as they make plans for the holidays. They want to celebrate big. I’m not sure if we will be coming, but I hold my tongue.

“Are you feeling well?” David asks me, touching my face softly as soon as we are in the car. His worried gaze looking in mine for answers. “You have been acting weird the whole day.”

“Yeah,” I give him a reply, looking to Davi, who’s weeping in the back seat. He didn’t want to leave hiswelo. “I’m just tired.”

“I’m sorry,” he adds. “My family can be… overwhelming sometimes.”

“Your family is amazing,” I object, and they were wonderful to us. “We should get going or we will be late.”

David smiles smugly. “We are flying private, baby.”

After starting the car, David lets me be, or at least apparently accepting the excuse of my exhaustion. I lean my head on the seat and try to distract myself by counting the trees and cows we pass by on our way to the airport.

When we are on the jet, something seems to be bothering David. His casual pose isn’t as relaxed as it usually is. With each passing second, it becomes more obvious that he’s having second thoughts.

Forty-five minutes is a long time when the tension is so thick you can almost cut it with a knife. With Davi sleeping on the plush leather seat beside me, we have no distractions. This is agony… knowing someone you really love is ready to say goodbye. What am I going to do for the rest of the summer? It will break me having him so close and not being able to touch him. To kiss him again. To see him around my living room playing with Davi.
