Page 10 of Boundary

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Jeremy shook his head. "It will give you peace of mind. Give you the confidence you need."

Knowing if Malcolm ever found me, it wouldn't help me. Still, it could be handy for overcoming my fear of shopping centers.

Back home, Jeremy carried my bags inside for me, then told me where to come when I got to the main house for dinner. It wasn't till he'd left and I was putting away my purchases, that I found the extra bag with the tea dress and pumps.

Alpha was waiting by the back door for me when I came out. His tongue lolled out of his mouth, but it wasn't the only thing that came out. My eyes grew wide, and I shook my head. "We need to talk to Dale about getting you desexed."

Alpha growled at my suggestion, which made me chuckle. Doing the smart thing, I wore my flats trekking up to the house, carrying my pumps. Stalking beside me, Alpha's back came just above my hip level, making him the biggest dog I'd ever seen. Patting the fur on the back of his neck, I smiled at the electricity that sparked under my fingertips.

"So, you like my dress? You should see my underwear. It's the softest lace I've ever felt and all black." My fingers tingled with the guttural sound rumbling through Alphas body.

"I've decided I like black. It might be my favorite color, tone, whatever you want to call it." A breeze picked up, the promise of a summer storm blowing in. "I was never allowed to wear black. Malcolm liked me in white, liked to remember he took my innocence." Taking a breath, I calmed my disgust for the memory, but Alpha's presence chilled my hurt. "I've never had someone to talk to like this before. Thank you for becoming my friend."

Emerging from the forest path into the cleared backyard of the manor house, I got my first real look at it. The building was a three-story American style house.

There were a lot of large windows looking out over the back yard and the large pool area. Above the landscaped pool stood a large deck that spanned the entire back of the house.

Walking under the decking to reach the basement door, I worried when Alpha stepped in with me. "Are you allowed inside?"

Bumping my leg, Alpha turned off into what looked to be the gym. Alone, I left my flats at the back door and slipped on the pumps. With a sigh, I followed the directions Jeremy gave me until I found the steps which brought me up into the kitchen. There was a handful of waitstaff and cooks busy preparing who paid me no attention. Turning left, I found the living room. Jeremy and Bob were both there, along with three other men and five beautiful women.

Taking them all in, I wasn't worried about standing out and gaining men's attention any longer. With minimal makeup and my hair pulled back in a ponytail, I was unsubstantial next to these women.

Then there were the men. Bob and Jeremy, I already considered attractive, but the other three were handsome as all hell. Smart casual translated to Armani suits without a tie for the men, and cocktail dresses for the women. I felt like I'd stepped backstage at a fashion show.

"Vera, you look lovely," Jeremy greeted, coming towards me as if I might spook and bolt.

"I look like a cheap knock-off next to these people."

Tilting his head, Jeremy appraised the rest of the room. "You've bought a house with cash, Vera, there is nothing wrong with being conservative." He got a gleam in his eyes. "Are you wearing the underwear you purchased today?" My cheeks grew hot, and a smile teased the side of his mouth. "Then you've spent more on that then they have."

Studying the women, I frowned and returned my assessing gaze to Jeremy's wicked gleam. "They aren't wearing underwear, are they?"

Taking a drink of the beverage he was holding, Jeremy shrugged. "Just slows things down later." Waiting for the heat to fill my face and chest, Jeremy winked at me and turned back to the room. "I'd introduce you, but that's Dale's job. I'll get you a wine instead." His eyes went over my shoulder. "If that's okay with you?"

"Yes, thank you." As I turned to see what he was looking at, all I could see was a wall of black. Lifting my eyes from the black dress shirt and jacket, I discovered Dale. His hair was wet like he just stepped out of a shower, and his indigo eyes pierced me as they met mine. He was so very tall and so very close. My panties became damp, and I wasn't sure if that was being turned on or wetting myself with fear.

"Evening, Vera. Thank you for coming. It's horrible to be the only stag at a dinner party." When Dale smiled my sex clenched, and I knew the dampness in my underwear wasn't weak bladder control.

Shaking his head humored and almost smiling, Jeremy went to the kitchen. Peering into my eyes, Dale frowned. "I prefer your natural color."

"I'd prefer to be unrecognizable. My eyes have always been my standout characteristic."

Lifting a brow, Dale let his eyes roam down my body and back again. "You have many standout qualities, Vera, your eyes are just my favorite."

Standing there mesmerized, I noticed the chocolate brown striations around his pupils. "Why are you so familiar to me?"

"Here you are," Jeremy interrupted, handing me a glass of wine.

"Thank you." Accepting the wine, I drank a mouthful.

Leaving us alone, Jeremy walked down into the room. Taking a glass of something a waiter handed him, Dale looked at me. "Vera, may I touch you? Just here." Placing his hand into the small of my back, he watched my face. Tensing on instinct, I cringed on the tightness that caused in my injuries and forced myself to allow it.

When Dale steadied his hand against me, my eyes fluttered with his touch. It was like he was running his fingers over my bare skin, eliciting a wanton reaction. His hand was still, but my skin was tingling under the thin material of the satin dress I wore. Beyond that, I felt safe with him. Moving closer to me, Dale lowered his mouth to my ear. "You're so warm."

"You're hot." Dale chuckled. Cheeks heating, I mentally kicked myself. "I meant your hand is hot."

"Will I introduce you?" Using his hand to walk me into the living space, Dale kept his body close to mine. Everyone turned to watch us like Dale's presence was magnetic. "This is Vera Cana, my new neighbor." He then proceeded to introduce me to everyone.
