Page 11 of Boundary

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They were all very friendly and cordial. Some of the girls noticed Dale's hand placement on my back, and nearness, but didn't seem phased by it. The men seemed to regard it more than the women.

Breathing deep, I let my senses take in the room. There was some flowery perfume on the women, but from the men, it was all musk and earth. Memories of the men from my childhood home intruded, how they all carried a similar scent.

The safety that Dale's presence usually provided vanished. Panic shot through my body and adrenaline injected into my bloodstream. This scene was all too familiar.

Trying to step back, Dale's hand felt like a restraint. Thankfully, I was well-practiced at controlling my reactions. Turning to meet Dale's eyes, I used the movement to remove his hand from me. Touching him made my fingers itch.


Dale's smile was already gone, and I had no doubt he felt me tense up. Eyes flicking to a door by the kitchen, Dale shook his head and pointed in the opposite direction. "End of the hall, turn left, through the door, and it's on your right."

My entire body trembling, I tried to be casual walking out of the entertainment area. "Is that her?" One of the men asked someone else as I walked down the corridor. "She's not what I expected."

Once out of sight, I hurried around the corner. Opening the door, I stepped through, then shut it behind me as breathing became difficult. The room was a large bedroom, king size bed, with masculine colors. I didn't have to guess whose it was, I could smell Dale all through this room. Expecting his scent to make my panic worse, I prepared for it. Instead, it calmed me. Taking deep breaths, I tried to be logical.

Running out of here screaming wasn't sensible. If I could keep it together for the next hour, then I could get through the evening, and go home. Then I'd distance myself from Dale and his household. That meant selling and finding a new place to live. Groaning, I moved into the bathroom. How did I escape one pack-house just to move in next door to another? What were the chances of that happening?

Tears started running down my face, unbidden. My body trembled with the need to cry with despair. "Is this because I touched you?" Dale asked from the bathroom door.

Lifting my eyes to meet his in the reflection, I sucked in a breath. "You promised you wouldn't."

"I never promised that. I said my guests wouldn't touch you." Dale's eyes traveled my body. "It would be impossible not to touch you. It is my natural instinct to do the exact opposite. I won't make a promise I can't deliver on."

Sucking in a shaking breath, I needed to know. "Is this a pack-house?"

Chapter 5

Stepping into the bathroom, Dale slid his hands into his suit pockets. He appeared contemplative. "We aren't like the packhouse you ran from, Vera. We treat women like the precious things they are."

My heart stuttered and fell in my chest as I closed my eyes. "You know where I came from?"

"Yes. There has been a lot of chatter amongst the packs about a woman almost killing Alpha Malcolm. A lot of speculation about the sort of woman who could do that. A full-blooded female of our kind."

Tears flooded from my eyes as I backed away from Dale. There was only one way out of this room, and Dale was blocking it. Trembling with adrenalin, I scouted for anything I could use to defend myself.

Not coming any closer, Dale shrugged. "Anyway, she died. Suffered a pulmonary embolism while recovering from her injuries in hospital."

My throat convulsed aware that Dale knew where I'd been in hospital. His lawyer had confronted me in my hospital bed. That had been far from here, and even further from Malcolm's pack-house. But Malcolm had needed to treatment at the same hospital before I died there.

Eyesfull of intent as they met mine, Dale hypnotized me with his indigo gaze. "She's in a better place now. If she did what the rumor mill claims, then she earned her freedom. I'd never take that from her."

Surprising me,Dale turned to leave, keeping his eyes on his bedroom. "I'm sure your life was hell, but I would like to help you get over that, Vera. As much as anyone could." Peering at me over his shoulder, his eyes sincere as he held out his hand to me. "See out this dinner with me; I'll allow Jeremy to train you."

Staring after him for a moment, I took a few breaths. My mind needed a moment to process how that encounter hadn't resulted in how I feared. My head spun, trying to accept that Dale hadn't hurt me or worse when he trapped me in this room. In fact, his retreat to his bedroom opened the path to the exit. It was as if he created that distance, understanding my anxiety.

Facing Dale with my entire body, I wiped my tears as best I could and indicated to my face. "I'll need a moment."

"I'll wait right out here."

Able to feel him out there, I closed my eyes and took several deep breaths. Turning back to the bathroom mirror, I cleaned my face up. Thank god, I hadn't bothered with foundation. "Are the women here part of your household?"

"Two of them are," Dale answered from further in the bedroom.

"Are they full-blooded?"

"No. Their mother was human."

Moving to the doorway, I found Dale by the end of his bed, watching me from the darkness of his room. "If they have children with one of the males, will that give you a full-blood?"
